Chapter 39: Out Of The Woods

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Lizzie's P.O.V

Just like that it was gone. Vanished into thin air.

"My life was too busy flashing before my eyes, what the fuck just happened?" Violet asked.

"It should've killed us. It was going  to kill us. But it didn't, all because you said something to it." Vice stated now looking in my direction. "What did you say to it?"

"I called it by it's name." I responded.

"And how exactly did you know the bloody thing's name?" Vice spoke in an irritated tone.

"It was in Riven's file you twit." I said.

"So no one is going to talk about the fact that an 8 or 9 foot demon looking thing just smoked it's way out of Riven's eyes? Anyone? No? Okay." Angel chimed in while looking at the 6 of us stood on either side of her.

"And how did you know saying it's name would make it leave us alone?" Vice asked, ignoring his sister's comment.

"In Riven's room, back in Brookbank Asylum, there was old writing scratched all over the walls. Except close to the place where her file was hidden. It was newer writing. It read 'If you speak it's name aloud, it shall not harm you' or something along those lines."

"But w-what was it e-exactly?" Klaude piped up.

"Whoever wrote her file has reason to believe that it may be her conscience." I spoke quietly.

"I knew your conscience could be a bitch, but I didn't think it could be a beast!" Violet exclaimed.

"We should probably check on her. Y'know to make sure she's not deceased." Pene spoke up.

Noire pointed over at Riven. "I don't think a dead person would be sat upright."

Riven looked over her left shoulder and grinned at us.

Had she not noticed the guards?

The guards that were dead on the floor with giant holes in their torsos.

"Do you have any recollection of what just happened?" I asked her.

She looked up, she looked down. She looked left, she looked right.

Then she just shook her head.

That's when she turned to look at the guards.

She jumped back a little in surprise.

She turned to face us, she looked worried. Scared even.

Riven pointed to the guards then at herself several times as if to say 'Did I do that?'

"No you didn't Riven. Something else did. It's not your fault." Noire assured her.

"Is that it? Is it over? Are we safe now?" Violet asked.

"Safe isn't exactly the word I'd use." Angel spoke softly.

"Do you remember when I said that we weren't quite out of the woods yet?" I said.

"Oh yeah, and I thought you meant it literally." Violet said with a small laugh.

"What are you saying Lizzie?" Vice asked.

"I'm saying that we may very nearly be out of these godforsaken woods." I said.

"S-so that's it then? J-just one more h-hurdle I guess." Klaude stuttered.

"Find Avanstein and find the man who saved our lives." I stated.

"Oh of course, the massacre. We should've died then but we didn't, all because of the kindness in one man's heart." Pene piped up.

"Correction, we should've died on multiple occasions. But here we are thanks to some stupid fucking miracle called luck!" Vice spoke in an annoyed tone.

"We'd finally be set free from this everlasting curse we call a life." Angel sighed sadly. "But we'll never be normal again."

"Anyone that was around us back when we were 'alive' is most likely either really old or really dead." I said.

"We can't go back to our old lives and that's a straight fucking fact." Violet huffed in annoyance.

"It would also be impossible considering what Lizzie just said." Noire answered. 

"S-so let's just do this. Let's j-just try and finish i-it once and f-for all." Klaude spoke, somewhat, confidently.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 39 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 40 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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