Chapter 21: Photographs and Paintings

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A/N: Time to learn some Darcey family history

Lizzie's P.O.V

"Your front door leads to a massive open space with a grand staircase." Violet exclaimed. "And why does everyone in your family look about 75?" She spoke again glancing at the walls, which were adorned with old paintings.

"99 percent of my family have the white hair gene. The only two in recorded history who didn't are two twins, my Auntie Emilia and my Uncle Edmund." I stated. "They did, however, have incredibly light blonde hair."

"Is that... you?" Pene asked while pointing to the rather large painting on the wall in between where the staircase branched off to either side. "I thought you had 13 brothers not 3." 

"First of all, yes that is me. Second of all, that is a painting of the four youngest children. Also known as my Father's favourites." I answered. 

"Who's the brunette woman?" Angel asked quietly.

I looked at the painting she was referring to and sighed. "My mother."

"You d-don't sound awfully h-happy about that.." Klaude stuttered.

"Why would I be? She was an awful woman. Nobody in my family liked her. She didn't even give my younger brother a name, so I named him instead." I responded. 

"Your mother sounds like an absolute witch." Violet said.

"Vi! You can't say that about someone's mum!" Noire spoke in a shocked tone.

"Oh no, she can. I called her a bitch when I was ten-years-old. My Father just thought it was hilarious." I responded.

"I have one question." Vice piped up. "Why does every woman in these photographs look younger than the age of thirty?"

"That's because they are." I stated. "Most women in my family never lived to see the age of thirty. A lot of them died soon after their 29th birthday." I paused. "Although, that doesn't explain why my mother was 45 at the time of my disappearance."

"Was she supposed to be dead by then?" Pene asked.

"No. She was supposed to be much older considering my eldest brother, Lupis, is twice my age, meaning he was 34. Last I checked my mother didn't give birth to her first child when she was 11." I stated blandly. 

"Maybe she really is a witch." Angel chimed in.

"Is that girl in the red chair by the window your Auntie Emilia?" Violet asked pointing to the painting.

"It is indeed." I said.

"She doesn't look that old... how old even is she?" Violet quizzed.

"10 I believe. At least that's what my Father always told me. That's his younger sister after all."

"H-hang on... I thought y-you said sh-she had a twin brother.." Klaude spoke up.

"She did. But he died from an unknown cause two years prior to this being painted." I said gesturing to the painting. "The sad part is that she hanged herself three weeks after it was painted. She couldn't deal with the death of her brother."

"It must have been awful not knowing how he died." Vice spoke quietly. 

"My Father was the only witness to his younger brother's death. He never told Emilia because he couldn't put into words what he'd seen, and he was unsure what exactly had killed him. So he chose never to bring it up.." I said softly.

"Your family must have a lot of secrets.." Pene said.

"And most of them are better left buried." I replied.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 21 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 22 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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