Chapter 34: When The Shot Fires

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A/N: Don't witch hunt me please.

Lizzie's P.O.V

Klaude had found us... quite quickly actually.

Noire and Violet took a little longer but that was only because they were dealing with more of those guards.

I don't want to tell you the full story of how we ended up at this point because it involves a lot of running and hiding.

Long story short, more guards turned up.

There was about 100 of them this time. They looked much more armored than the previous ones we've seen.

We were screwed.

"We can't fight them. It's hopeless. Even the combined power of our side effects wouldn't do more than scratch them up a little." Vice stated with slight worry in his voice.

"More are coming. I can hear them, their heavy footsteps.." Pene said.

"Do you remember that thing mummy always used to say? 'Cross my heart,'..." Violet started.

"Hope to die." Noire finished.

"Release the arrows,"

"Watch them fly."

"If one hits,"

"I will surely die."

"But it will not be,"

"My last goodbye."

"And how come we've never heard that until now?" Pene asked.

"Because it was never relevant enough to be said out loud." Violet responded.

"That's fair.." Angel chimed in.

They were all aiming some form of weapon at us now, most likely to keep us quiet. We were most afraid of the guns.

None of us moved. We just stood there, blank expressions written upon our faces.

I could hear Riven whimpering and whining. I couldn't help her though. If our feet left the ground we were dead.

I looked down at the floor.

No shadow...

It'd moved again.

My eyes moved slowly away from the ground as I turned my head to look to my left.

It was leaning against a wall. It's expression was unreadable.

It seemed like no one else had noticed it.

"Look I don't mean to be that annoying fucker of the group, but.." Violet started holding her hands up in what seemed to be surrender, "Technically I should be allowed to say something as long as my feet stay on the ground." 

"I wouldn't Violet, I really wouldn't." Vice said softly.

"We don't wanna use the side effects to hurt people, as I'm sure that's not the reason why we even have them in the first place." Violet spoke. "I know half of us have no idea how they work. But is threatening us, killing us really gonna solve anything?"

I turned my attention back to what was currently happening. 

"Violet that's enough. I wouldn't recommend provoking neanderthals." I stated in a hushed voiced so that only she was able to hear me.

Violet looked over her right shoulder and gave me a confused look. "You know I don't understand big word. So kindly explain, what the fuck is a neanderthal?"

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