Chapter 14: The Future Isn't Promising

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A/N: Just wanted to say thank you for 418 reads. It really means a lot 😁

Violet's P.O.V

"We finally made it. But we're not out of the woods yet." Lizzie spoke triumphantly.

"What do you mean we're not out of the woods yet? We literally just got out of them." I said in a confused manner.

"No, Violet, out of the woods is an expression." Noire said softly.

"Yeah, it means that we're out of danger or a difficult situation. In our case, however, we aren't." Pene told me.

"S-so do we have any sort of p-plan..?" Klaude chimed in.

"I know that 'fitting in' is usually considered a bad thing. But standing out doesn't really feel right..." Angel spoke softly.

"She does have a point. We don't even know what year it is..." Noire agreed.

Vice sighed. "Well we need to hurry and wrap up with delightful conversation otherwise we're going to receive nasty looks from bystanders." 

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "And they're not gonna be the least bit suspicious of a group of oddly dressed teenagers walking down the middle of the road?" 

"Apparently not." Pene said as she nudged my arm.

There we were, stood in the middle of the road. Cars parked on the curb, and plenty of people just going about their day-to-day business it seemed.

"Nothing looks any different than it was way-back-when." Pene spoke calmly. 

Angel cleared her throat. "What year is it? Do you think we should ask someone?" 

"And let them into our business? No." Pene answered.

"H-hold on. Where's L-Lizzie?" Klaude stuttered.

"She's over there." Vice stated as he pointed towards a stand full of newspapers.

And at that moment Lizzie walked back over to us, newspaper in hand.

"Well I found out the year." She spoke as she handed it over to Noire.

"July 16th......" Noire paused.

"Would you get on with it already?" I snapped with impatience.

"2050." She continued.

"So this is what the future looks like? Still fucking awful." I sighed.

Lizzie frowned. "It doesn't look all that promising, does it?"

"We j-just have to be e-extra careful then I suppose?" Klaude asked nervously.

"It would seem so." Vice responded in a blunt tone.

"Then I suggest we hurry up and find that graveyard." Lizzie stated. "We don't have time to waste, as it seems that our lives depend on it."

On that note we were walking again. Despite the aches and pains in our legs it seems none of us were close to exhaustion.

I was only leading the way because I knew the quickest route to the graveyard. We just had to avoid as little attention as possible. 

"I have just one question..." Angel piped up.

"Go ahead, Angel." Lizzie spoke in a calm tone

"How do you spell that man's name? The one in the speaker..."

"I'm not quite sure myself." Lizzie answered. "Noire you must know surely."

"If I know this correctly then is should be spelled A-V-A-N-S-T-E-I-N." Noire spoke.

"But isn't it pronounced as Avun-steen?" I asked.

"It is." Noire responded.

"Then why is it spelled how you would Frankenstein" I questioned.

"Well mine is pronounced as Vee-sól but it's spelled V-I-S-Ó-L." Pene chimed in.

"S-so all the we get out o-of this is that s-surnames are weird?" Klaude asked.

Lizzie shrugged. "Apparently so." 

Riven had just been looking at us all weirdly the whole time this conversation was happening. But she seemed unbothered as she was still listening to the tape player, flipping it over and over again.

"By the time you lot are finished conversing about surnames, Riven will have solved the message on that tape player like it's a cheap riddle." Vice spoke blandly.

"Well she's gonna have to wait because we might finally find something interesting about ourselves in the place we should've been buried." I piped up.

Everyone looked at me in confusion.

I sighed a gestured towards the sign that read 'Graveyard'.

"Oh. Well you could've been a little bit clearer. Not all of us understand your brain." Pene spoke flatly.

"I don't even think she understands it herself." Noire replied.

I opened my mouth to argue but closed it again as I realised that she had a point.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 14 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 15 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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