Chapter 23: Dead Woman Walking

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is shorter than the others.

Lizzie's P.O.V

Hours had passed since the eight of us last spoke. It was dark out, everyone had retreated to a different room. 

I, however, was wide awake. I assumed everyone else had fallen into a somewhat peaceful slumber.

I hadn't set foot in my family home for over 100 years so I felt it was necessary to look around. Nothing had changed, well only minor things had.

I made my way down the grand staircase and I noticed something peculiar. 

"Klaude? What are doing down here so late?" I asked.

"I, uh, I w-was just looking at some ph-photographs..." He stuttered. "The l-lady in this one looked f-familiar." 

I went down the remaining stairs and walked over to him.

I took one glance at the photograph.

"I remember that. The Titanic on it's maiden voyage." 

"W-well that's you." Klaude spoke pointing to a 4-year-old me.

I nodded and pointed to the woman next to me. "That's my grandmother Lillian. The woman next to us are: Beatrice Alvonsi, her daughter Juliet and Juliet's daughter... I can't quite remember her name."

"Did a-any of them die?" Klaude asked.

"I believe it was Beatrice that lost her life, she drowned. None of us knew until it was too late."

"H-how old were they?" 

"Juliet's daughter was 2, Juliet herself was 23 and Beatrice was, if I remember correctly, 45."

Klaude pointed at Beatrice. "It's h-her. I knew sh-she was familiar."

"Familiar, how?"

"The w-woman that keeps following m-me around. She's acted hostile to everyone I've come i-into contact with. Everyone e-except you." Klaude spoke. "Because sh-she knows you. You're f-familiar to her.

"I suppose that's why she has ice on her body, and water coming from her mouth. Her body will forever remain submerged at the body of the sea." 

"N-not only that, but I remember l-learning about the Titanic in school. My mum t-told me that her sister, mother and grandmother were all on that ship. She t-told me that her grandmother n-never made it home..." 

"That woman is your great-grandmother, Klaude. That's why she's here. She's looking after you... and your sister. Protecting you from harm." 

"I w-wonder who else is around, waiting t-to reveal themselves. Maybe s-some of your family are h-here. That w-would be nice, you could talk to them again. E-except your mother, of course.."

"You're right. That would be nice." 

"W-we should probably t-try and sleep. A-although I think that's i-impossible for the eight of us.." 

"We might as well try."

After that sentence was spoken we both walked up the stairs and went our separate ways.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 23 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 24 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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