Chapter 15: Empty Caskets

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Klaude's P.O.V

"Well here we are." Violet spoke in a somewhat cheery manner.

"This place is ginormous. How are we supposed to find anything in here?" Angel questioned in a hush tone.

"Is this just a repeat of the time I looked out the window?" Pene asked.

"What do you mean 'looked out the window'?" Violet quizzed.

"When I was on the upper levels of that building I got curious and decided to look out of a window. I was greeted with the sight of about a hundred or so mounds of dirt." She paused for a moment. "I thought nothing of it at first. But when I looked a second time, could've been a week, month or even a year later I'll never know, there were thousands more. Rows upon rows of unmarked graves.."

"I s-suppose it makes y-you question how many children r-really died there. Doesn't it?" I managed to say.

"I guess it does." Noire agreed.

"Stop with the sad, we don't need it!" Violet almost screamed.

"Then, pray tell, what do we need?" Vice asked calmly, which was unusual of him.

"Shovels! How else are we gonna dig up a grave? With our bare hands? I don't think so." Violet explained. "Any other questions?"

Lizzie raised her hand slightly. "I have one. How are we supposed to find your graves?" She spoke, placing her hand by her side again.

"Hold on...our graves?" Violet said, clearly confused. "What about your grave?"

"Vi do you not know anything about the Darcey family?" Noire questioned.

"Other than the fact that their incredibly rich, have a huge house in Old Eastfell and I'm pretty sure something in their back garden is now a weird tourist attraction. No I know nothing about them." Violet answered.

Noire sighed heavily.

"They have their own graveyard you dingus." Pene remarked.

I glanced over at Riven who had decided to sit on a nearby bench hopefully choosing to ignore the weird conversations going on.

"Can we j-just go and find these sh-shovels?" I stuttered.

"For once I agree with the person who can't speak. Can we please just get this over with." Vice spoke.

I sighed.'He doesn't even know my name..'

"Vice his name is Klaude. Do yourself a favour and learn people's names." Angel snapped at him.

I looked around. Violet had wandered off by this point and Lizzie had gone to sit with Riven, hopefully to keep an eye on her.

Pene looked at me with a faint smile as we began to look around. Vice and Angel had begun to do the same.

"Don't forget that the newer graves will be closest to the back!" Pene yelled.

We received a faint 'okay' from Violet. I'm not entirely sure how she got so far away in so little time, but I'm not going to question it.

"I'm not sure how the layout of graveyards work so just start looking for dates I guess.." Pene spoke. "Shouldn't be too hard.."

"R-right.." I responded.

I'm not sure how much time had passed, be we sure have been here a while. But at least we managed to find our 'graves'.

"These g-graves look brand new. H-how is that possible..?" I asked.

"Maybe someone wanted to make sure that we had some way we could be remembered." Pene replied.

"W-well at least there a-are these conveniently shovels t-to dig them up..." 

It didn't take us that long to reach the caskets. We had to use the shovels to pry them open. 

Mine contained my file. Pene's, however, wasn't empty. It contained a bundle of blue hydrangeas, similar to the ones she has in her hair.

"Well that's certainly disturbing." Pene spoke.

I had to step down into the grave to actually retrieve the file. Not something I want to do again.

I opened it and read through it. It contained nothing interesting, my name, age.

"Gravitational d-destruction?"I stuttered nervously and looked and the marking in my arm.

"They did their homework.." Pene spoke softly, she'd already picked up the bundle of flowers. 

We closed the caskets and refilled the empty space with dirt.

Vice and Angel walked over to us, files in their hands. 

"Nothing but empty caskets too?" Pene asked.

"Only contained a file. Apparently I can read people's minds, and manipulate what they see." Vice spoke, some form of interest was audible.

"And I can move things with my mind...?" Angel chimed in.

"Telepathy and telekinesis. What kind of fuckery is this?" Pene piped up.

"They decided t-to give me something to do w-with gravity..." I stuttered.

"I guess we should meet up with the other two and see if they found anything.." Angel suggested.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 15 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 16 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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