Chapter 27: The Key That Leads To Nowhere

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Lizzie's P.O.V

We both had our halves of the key.

It turns out it wasn't split horizontally, like one half had the handle and one had the key.

It was split vertically, both parts had the handle and  the key. Or split lengthways, however you prefer to describe it.

"If we can't figure out how to put this key together, it will need us nowhere." I spoke sadly. 

I was still quite shaken up about what I just did, to my own mother in fact.

"Maybe we aren't supposed to put it together. Maybe we were only meant to find it." Vice spoke calmly. It seems he was finally starting to open up more.

"Then who should we give these to in the meantime?" I said holding up my half of the key.

"I know exactly who we should give them to. The most trustworthy person in our little band of misfits." 

"Klaude." I sighed. "But why him over everyone else?"

"My sister is delusional, she disappears into her own world all because of one word that we still don't know. And I find it hard to trust people, even myself sometimes."

"I have trouble with anger, Pene is most likely to get herself into trouble, Violet is Violet, and Noire just seems to paranoid to looks after something so important."

"He may be a stuttering mess but I've seen the way he looks at people. At Pene, at you, at Violet, at Noire, at Riven, at Angel and even me. It's a look of determination, like he knows what he has to do. What sacrifices he may have to make to protect the people he's grown to care about." Vice spoke gently.

"Now I suppose we just need a way out of here.." I almost muttered.

Finally. We'd found it. 

We'd finally found the bloody exit to this place.

We found the the gate.

I let out a huge sigh of relief. 

We looked at each other then ran towards the gate.

"Finally." Vice spoke attempting to catch his breath. "I've never been more glad to see the five of you."

"You were gone for about an hour, you know that right?" Violet stated.

"Just one hour?! It felt like an eternity!" Vice spoke in annoyance.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Pene asked walking over to us.

"That maze." I spoke pointing to it. "That maze is cursed."

"Where did you go?" Angel asked Pene.

"I got bored so I went to lay on the grass." Pene answered. 

"Did you find the two halves?" Noire asked.

"We did." I spoke as myself and Vice held up the two pieces of the key.

"So we have the two halves but can't put them together. We have to move on we can't hang around here forever." Violet spoke.

"But Eastfell is massive." Vice said.

"Eastfell, new and old, is divided. Obviously Old Eastfell is it's own separate thing. But New Eastfell is split into two halves. One half is a city, the other half is split in two. It's the old town and pretty much housing." Violet stated. 

"Could you explain that in a less confusing way?" Angel asked.

"Think about if New York City was in England and merged with the city of York." Violet spoke blandly.

"And where do you suggest we go?" Vice asked.

"The old town hall." Noire spoke quietly.

"That was rude." Violet said with a frown.

"Then let's go, what are we waiting for?" Pene questioned.

"You guys go I will meet you there. There's something I have to take care of first." I spoke calmly.

"Do y-you promise? Th-that you'll meet u-us there." Klaude stuttered.

"Of course I promise, Klaude. I know where the town hall is."

I gave my half of the key to Vice and walked away.

Vice's P.O.V

The others had begun to walk away.

Klaude hadn't. He looked worried.

"Sh-she is going t-to meet us, r-right?" He asked.

"She will." I said reassuringly. "Lizzie and I both agreed that you were the best person who could hold onto these." 

I handed him the key halves and he pulled a piece of string from his pocket and looped it through the handles so he could wear them around his neck.

"Why m-me? Out of e-everyone here, why d-do I get this r-responsibility?"

"You're brave, you're intelligent, you're determined. Nothing more needs to be said."

Klaude looked confused at first, then his expression changed to become more understanding.

"Okay." He said with a nod.

We both went to join the others.

'Keep your promise Lizzie. Please.'

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 27 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 28 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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