Chapter 38: The Beast Within

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Lizzie's P.O.V

"H-how is that e-even possible?" Klaude questioned.

"What do you mean how is it possible?" Violet spoke with a confused expression.

"How are you alive?" Pene asked.

"Well if you would've just asked that in the first place, I'd have told you." Violet spoke.

There was a short moment of silence.

"Go on then." Vice urged.

"I was in a lot of pain, but then it was slowly fading away. Not because I was dying.... but because it was being transferred to something else. Then I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. The next thing I know is that something is nudging me, like it was trying to wake me up." Violet stopped for a brief moment. "I opened my eyes and it was like a shadowy reflection of myself staring back at me. It stood up, held a hand out for me, I took it's hand, stood up myself and it was gone."

"And that was it? It was over just like that?" Angel asked.

"I mean besides the fact that there was a hole in my head as well as the shadow's, I looked around and all of you had disappeared. Not to mention the guards were all ugly looking statues." 

"I'm just glad you're back." Noire said as she hugged her sister tightly, a hug which Violet gladly returned.

"It seems the evidence of the wound remains for a short time. However, the fatality of it towards the host doesn't." I said quietly.

Vice, however, had heard me say it. "What do you mean?"

His question got everyone's attention.

"When I first awoke in that building there was dried blood on the floor. Yes, it was mine before you ask. I took a glance in the mirror that was hanging on the wall. There was a bullet wound in my head, and an exit wound at the back." I started. "However, I was far from dead. I took one glance to my right and there it was..."

"There w-what was?" Klaude asked.

"My shadow. It was standing there, so very casually, with a hole in its forehead." I answered.

"I told you. She has a weird connection to shadows." Angel stated proudly.

Just then Riven stood up and walked past the 7 of us.

Straight out of the drawing room, turned left and wandered down the hall.

'Something isn't right...'

"You've got that right." I heard Vice's voice echo in my mind.

"Was it just me or did she looked possessed?" Violet asked while pointing her thumb over her shoulder.

"Oh no, we saw it too. She's definitely possessed." Pene replied.

"Someone call the exorcist." Angel said and walked towards the door taking a glance down the hall.

"Angel, what are you doing?" Vice asked.

"Following her of course. Like it or not we are technically responsible for her." Angel answered as she wandered out of sight.

"If she wanders off one day and gets herself killed, I will not take the blame." Vice said.

"You do that. But she kind of has a point, so we should probably go..." Noire spoke.

"Yeah..." Pene spoke up as we all followed after Angel.


We finally caught up to Angel.

She may be short but she sure as hell runs fast.

Riven wasn't even running, she was walking.

Angel was frozen in place, pointing a Riven. Trembling in fear.

I mean it when I say terror was written on her face.

The 100 guards that tried to catch us, back when Violet had been shot, were all pointing guns at her.

The silence was sickening. 

Well that was until we heard something that would make anyone physically vomit.

We all paled, our blood ran cold, our eyes became wide with shock, our mouths partially open.

Riven sure as hell wasn't Riven anymore.

Her joints were contorting in ways that shouldn't even be humanly possible. Her bones were cracking.

Her body began bending backwards.

Her jaw was unhinged and her mouth was nothing but a black void.

Her eyes were ghostly white.

A black smoke was floating effortlessly from her eyes like cursed tears.

The smoke became a tall, slender figure.

It was headless at first. that was before it stuck it's hand into the ground and pulled out a horned skull, and twisted it onto it's neck like a screw.

Riven's body collapsed to the floor like it was worth nothing.

I tried fighting my fear to run over to her. I couldn't.

That beast was looking right at the 7 of us.

We were too afraid to scream never mind fight back.

Despite how far away from it was, it only took a few steps for it to reach us because of how long it's legs were.

It reached a hand out towards us. It definitely wanted to kill us.

It's hand never reached us, however, something must have stopped it.


It looked at the guards.

"Brakten." I muttered under my breath.

It must have heard me because it's 'face' was close to mine.

It stood up straight and walked over to the guards.

They opened fire.


Their bullets did nothing.

The creature was quick.

It managed to put it's hand into the ground and black spikes appeared under the guards. 

Impaling them right through the middle.

And just like that the spikes where gone.

The guards just lay there with huge holes in their torsos.

In one swift movement they became nothing more than skeletons.

Then it was gone.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 38 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 39 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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