Chapter 36: Ever Growing Hunger

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Riven's P.O.V

I'd been listening to both sides of the tape over, and over, and over again. I was surprised no one had slapped it out of my hand to be quite honest.

It was the same man's voice on both sides. It sounded almost too familiar. But because the sentences were both broken up by so much static, it was impossible to tell.

The word 'Sorry...' seemed to stand out the most. It was genuine, and seemed to have good intent. 

But that's not really the main reason as to why it stands out so much.

It's because it sounds like he's apologising for the actions of other people as well as his own.

Then, all of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

'What is that, what are you doing?'

'I am doing nothing my dear.'

'This pain... what is it?'


'I don't understand what you mean. I don't get hungry anymore, I have no need for food.'

'Not your hunger, my hunger.'

'Your hunger? What could a voice possibly be hungry for?'

'I, my dear, am much more than a voice.'

'That still doesn't answer my question. What are you hungry for?'

'The guilty flesh.'

'The guilty flesh?'

'Like those guards who hunt you down.'

'Humanity is a dying breed...'

'Exactly little one.'

'But humans aren't dying. Are you sure that it's 'is dying breed' and not 'will be'..?'

'Humans are dying from the second they're born. Life to you isn't as valuable as it is to those around you.'

'Are you doing this for my sake? To keep me safe?'

'Not just to protect you, but to protect those you want to keep safe from harm.'

'What about Violet?'

'Even in death she is still a treasure in your heart. The friends you have made are more valuable than all the fortune this world has to offer. They are your family now.'

"Riven? Are you alright? You look like you're about to be sick." Lizzie's voice snapped me out of my conscience conversation.

The same conversation that had somehow made me forget about the pain in my stomach. I'm not quite sure how considering that pain was now even more excruciating than before.

I let out an uncomfortable groan as I clutched my torso with one hand.

Lizzie was now knelt in front of me to make sure I was okay.

If I could describe her in any way, it would most certainly be motherly. She was always looking out for the rest of us. She didn't want to leave Violet behind. Dead or alive it didn't matter, Lizzie had no intention of leaving her my herself.

Then I felt an odd tingling in my left eye.

I reached up to move my hair out of the way.

"It's just white." Pene pointed out. "Is it hurting?"

'A little.' I mouthed.

"H-hang on. S-something's happening." Klaude stuttered.

"Riven, the white of your eye is turning..... black." Lizzie stated.

My pained expression turned into one of fear.

"And look, her iris it looks like an icy blue almost.." Noire spoke up.

"What's happening to her?" Pene asked looking at Lizzie.

Even though I knew, I wouldn't exactly be able to provide the answer.

"I'm not too sure if I'm being truly honest." Lizzie started. "But I imagine we're going to find out very soon."

"Are we going to die?" Noire asked in a panic.

I shook my head.

"Oh that's a relief." Noire said.

"Riven, I know it's a lot to ask but could you try to hold on until Vice and Angel get here?" Lizzie asked as she placed her hands gently on my shoulders.

I nodded slowly.  'I'll try my best.' 

'Looks like you're going to have to wait a little while longer to get your snack.'

'I'll wait as long as your friends need, then at least the other two can make it back as safely as possible.'

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 36 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 37 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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