Chapter 10: The Voice In Her Head

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A/N: Riven Valentine ^ (alias for Alexandria Valtura)

Riven's P.O.V

Everything was silent. 

I couldn't move, I felt as though I had been paralyzed.

'Where are we?'

'Somewhere safe, no need to fret.'

'How long have we been here?'

'I'm afraid no one has an answer to that, My Dear.'

'Are we going to stay here forever?'

'Forever is such a long time. You will meet your guardian angel soon enough.'

'Will they rescue us?'

'They shall be your saviour.'

All of a sudden, the dark stillness of silence was shattered by emerging voices. Not familiar voices. No, they sounded younger than scientists.

The door's hinges gave out an irritable squeak. The voices quickly became hushed.

'There are people here little one. There are even two sets of twins, though one pair looks more identical than the other.'

'How did they find us?'

'Maybe the man who spoke to you told them to find you?'

'Really? Can you describe them to me?'

'The first pair are both girls and they have pale skin. Both of them also have a pair of horns poking through their ruffled pink hair.'

'Horns? Like a ram? Or maybe a bull?'

'No, no. More like the Devil.'


'The other pair is a boy and a girl. The girl has sandy blonde hair, clawed hands and her lips are partially stained blue. She even has a pair of horns herself.'

'And what about her brother?'

'He has darker skin, purple hair and even some form of marking of planets on the underside of his right forearm. They really made use of his middle name.'

'You know their names? Well of course you do, you know everything. But what does a marking have to do with his middle name?'

'It's because his middle name is Orion. It is a constellation.'

'What's that?'

'A picture in the stars.'

'Ooh pretty.' 

'There is another pair, although they are siblings, not twins. The boy has dark hair and dull grey eyes with a small hint of green.'

'And what about the girl?'

'She has blonde hair and her eyes are golden. She even has two white feathers tucked behind her left ear.'

'Like an angel?'

'Well that is her name.'

'Is she my guardian angel?'


'Is there another?'

'Yes. I assume she was the one sent to look for your file. But she has other intentions.'

'Like what?'

'Well, as soon as she found out that there were people down here, she wanted to look for them instead.'

'Can you tell me what she looks like?'

'She is wearing a long black dress, of a very old fashion. Her hair is white and her eyes are golden.'

'Like Angel's?'

'Only hers are a darker shade. They look natural, like she's had them from the moment she was born. An odd gene passed down through many generations.'


Lizzie's P.O.V

When we set foot into that room, all of us fell silent. Like any form of words had been ripped from our mouths.

There was one sentence that littered the walls. Scribbled over, and over, and over again. None of us were able to read it as it had overlapped so much. But even we could tell it wasn't English. Hell, it didn't even look human.

We were so distracted by the odd writing that we failed to notice that there was a young girl laying on what looked like an operating table, similar to the one that the little boy was strapped down to when I first awoke in this place.

She looked like she was sleeping but there was no subtle rise and fall of her chest to determine that.

I glanced over at the others, they looked as though they wouldn't move. They were as still as statues.

I sighed softly and slowly made my way over to the girl. Her pale blue hair was covering her left eye. 

My attention was caught by something on the wall beside her. The same sentence. Except this one wasn't scribbled on  the wall, but more like carved into the wall. 

There was no possibility that a tool could've done this, they wouldn't give her any sort of tool. God knows who'd she'd hurt with it, if not herself.

That's when I noticed her right hand. Neatly tucked by her side. Although there was dried blood around her index finger. 

She scratched it into the wall with her own finger...

Her eyes snapped open as she gasped desperately for air and her hand latched onto my wrist.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 10 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 11 should be out soon.

Catch You Later~

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