Chapter 4: 'Hydde' and Seek

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A/N: Violet and Noire Hydde ^
(Aliases for Valentina and Natalia)
(P.S. Sorry for the lack of updates, I've had a lot of course work.)

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I was at least 9 levels down by now. I thought I should just give up....

That was until I heard a strange noise. I was faint, but I was certain it was there. It reminded me of laughter, not hearty laughter but rather child-like giggling. I leant over the stairwell's railing, ever so slightly, looking to the lower levels to try and here it more clearly. 'Screw this..' I thought to myself, 'No more more lies.'

I made my way down the grey steps down to level ten. How did I know it was level 10, or -10, you ask? Well, that's simple, the level numbers are painted on the walls next to the doors, faded by Father Time himself. My footsteps must have echoed through the vast emptiness of the stairwell, because the laughter seemed to fall silent. I moved towards the handle and tried opening it, just my luck it was locked. Or was it?

"I know there's someone here, just let me in. I promise I'm not a guard....o-or a scientist..."

"Well no shit," a voice ran from the other side of the door. "There are no freaking female guards or scientists in this godforsaken excuse of a building." 

"I'm n-not quite sure I understand.." I responded, half cautious half curious.

"Did I stutter? No..." Laughter rang out as if she was mocking me, "But you fucking did." The metal door swung open to reveal a girl, who only stood an inch or two below me in height, with a pair of purple horns accessorizing her, slightly ruffled, pink hair. She stuck her hand out, a grin plastered onto her pale face. I never shook it, so she retracted it back to her side.

"Violet Hydde," she stated proudly in a soft Irish accent. My response was nothing more than a confused look which only caused her grin to falter. "You've never heard of me? Never heard of the name Hydde before?" She questioned. "I, uh, can't say that I have," I spoke softly. "Sorry.."

"How old are you?" She asked, in a rather commanding tone. "I beg your pardon?" "I said, how old are you? What, do you have a new deafness to compliment your stutter?" I cleared my throat, "17." I spoke flatly. " long have you been, as you say, 17?" There was somewhat of a long pause. "Well I," I started confidently, but the confidence soon shattered as I came to realise some of the truth. "I, uh, well, now that I think about it...I'm not quite sure..."

"Darcey..." She muttered to herself, it was almost inaudible. I didn't respond. "So it is true what she told me. What my sister always believed in. The Darcey girl lived.." She laughed again, it sounded more like some form of cackle to me. "The only girl the Darcey's ever had..." Her face turned into that of deep thought, "What was it again? 13 brothers? 12 older and 1 younger?" Her laughter rang out once more. "Jeez, I didn't know the Darcey's fucked like rabbits."

"Who are you talking to?" Another voice piped up from inside level -10, almost identical to that of Violet's. "Oh dear sister, I am talking to none other than the Darcey girl..." Violet spoke. "No, that's impossible. Elizabeth-Lillian Darcey is dead, she went missing in the 1920's. Goodness knows what year it is now..." 

"Why don't you stop worrying your petty little ass off and talk to our guest?" Another figure emerged into the light cast by the open door, she looked almost identical to, what I'm assuming is, her twin. "Nice to meet you..." She spoke softly and offered me a small smile which I graciously returned. From what I observed, then and there, she was more reserved and chose to keep to herself, unlike her sister. Given the fact that she never told me her name. Violet let out a heavy sigh, "Elizabeth this is Noire," she said gesturing to her sister. "Noire this is Elizabeth," she said gesturing to me. "There you're all caught up, best friends. Now lets go back to the fact that I want to know how the fuck she found us."

"The through the speak-" I was cut off by Violet's sudden excitement, "You've heard the Scottish man in the speaker?" She asked hopefully. Noire only elbowed her in the ribs, "He's not in the speaker." Violet looked at her twin, "He's not?" Noire sighed, "No he isn't. He's in a room somewhere, talking through it." "H-how do you know this man?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Violet started. "He talks to all who survive." Noire finished. "Then again, he is the only adult in this building that Subject 0 chose to keep alive," Violet piped up. "That's why you're down here, aren't you?" She gave a breathy laugh before continuing, "to find their file, not to help us. I should've known." 

"Well, you should've also known that you are very surely mistaken." I paused for a moment, "I was originally here to collect that file. However, I learned something more valuable. There were people down here and, by the sound of his silence, I knew that they'd been down here a long time."

Violet let out an irritated sigh, "I know his name, but I can't quite place it..."

"Avanstein," Noire said softly. "His name is Professor Avanstein." She inhaled softly. "I have," she cleared her throat and looked towards her sister, that was stood by her side, "We have known him for a long time, since we were children to be exact." 

Violets face now wore a frown and her eyes held a look of betrayal. "But he has been around a lot longer than what people will tel you." 

"Then are you sure you know him at all? I mean, can he be trusted?" I asked, curiosity sewn into my words. "If Subject 0 chose to keep him alive specifically, the only reason is that he can be trusted." Noire explained. 

They both stepped to either side of the door frame, extending their arm furthest away as a sign for me to enter. So I did. I turned around to face them as they simultaneously turned their heads to face me. "We trust you, as you trust us," Violet spoke. "So let us help each other," Noire finished for a second time.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 4 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 5 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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