Chapter 43: Good Endings: Never

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A/N: I thought this song was really fitting 😁
And enjoy having a one sided conversation with Violet for the first half, because I know she's definitely some people's favourite (
Hyperturtle77) < He also says this song reminds him of Echos v


Violet's P.O.V

There were talking about something.

When I say 'they' it should be pretty fucking obvious by now. 

But do you know what I'll do? I list them anyway. Why? Because I want to, because I know that some of you aren't the most intelligent of people. 

Trust me, I know what that feels like. But I assure you that there's a very little chance of you being dumber than me.

Angel, Genie, Icarus, Klaude, Lizzie, Noire, Pene, Riven, Vice and Zero.

They were definitely talking about something important.

I, however, excluded myself from the conversation.

Why you may ask?

Well thank you for asking but your answer is I'm not exactly sure.

It's not because I feel left out. I guess it's just that I don't want this tiny spec of happiness to become jinxed so one of us dies.

I know what that's like. I know how lonely it feels.

When I was locked in that building I had my sister but when I was shot, she wasn't there with me.

She fled.

And I'm glad she did. I would've done the same if I was in her position.

But that's not even what I want to tell you.

Some really weird and funny happened to me like five second ago, slight over exaggeration because I'm sure it was way more than five seconds ago.

I've been leaning against this wall for, like, the past hour and this sweet little old lady came up to me.

She pointed at the others and asked me if they were my friends. 

I told her they were and she pointed at Zero and Genie saying they were her grandchildren.

So I said that she must be a Darcey then and she said she was.

But then the weird part comes in when she points at Lizzie and says that she looks familiar.

I asked how she was familiar. 

She said because she looks like the young lady in all those paintings back in her old family home.

So I asked if she would believe me if I told her that she was the real Elizabeth-Lillian Darcey.

She said she would believe me because of all the weird stuff that's been happening lately.

Then she asked me if I wanted chocolate.

Of course I said Hell yes but then I asked her why..

She said because I looked sad and chocolate cheers everyone up.

She asked if any of the others might want some because she knows Genie loves it.

So I answered her by saying that I think chocolate might help relax us, ease up the tension.

She handed me a fuck load of chocolate in a small plastic carrier bag, smiled and walked away with a slight pep in her step.

I shrugged and waltzed back over to the others.

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