Chapter 8: Distrusting and Delusional

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A/N: Vice and Angelique 'Angel' Du Pont ^

Lizzie's P.O.V

Violet's comment earned her a harsh jab to her ribs, courtesy of Noire's elbow. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You don't have to repay us. We were simply doing what's right."

My eyes widened slightly as a nervous laugh escaped my mouth. "I'm terribly sorry I never introduced myself. I'm Elizabeth, or Lizzie. Whichever you prefer really." 

The girl smiled. "Penelope, but most people choose to call me Pene." 

I turned my head towards the Hydde twins and sighed. Violet was rubbing where Noire had elbowed her, taking no notice of anything currently happening in front of her. 

Noire gently hit the back of her sister's head. 

"O-oh right." Violet began. "I'm Violet." She grinned.

Violet gestured to her sister. "This is Noire, she doesn't speak much. I don't think she really knows how big words work. Or words in general.." 

Noire looked as though she was going give a warm smiled before her expression became 'Hold on a second'. "This coming from the person who doesn't know what photosynthesis means."

"What the fuck?" She looked at her sister with a confused expression. She then looked at the rest of us. "That's a real word?" Noire chuckled under her breath. "My point exactly."

"We-we're not going to be standing here talking the whole time are we?" Klaude asked quietly. "I bloody well hope not." Pene replied.

I clapped my hands together. "Now this would be our cue to leave." I say as I practically shoo'd them all through the door leading to the stairwell.

"So which level are we going to now?" Pene asked.

"Well, the thing we need to reach is on level -35 and we're currently on -20. So I'm guessing something in between." I said.

"What about -27?" Noire asked

"Once again that seems oddly specific." I reply, with slight skepticism. "Do you two have the ability to predict the future?" 

"I wish." Noire sighed. "Then I would know when Violet is about to do something incredibly stupid." 

"Then h-how did you come to that answer?" Klaude asks rather quietly.

"Well the number that's exactly between 20 and 35 is 27.5, which means we're given a choice of level -27 or -28." Noire states.

"So you came to that conclusion because who, or what, ever is on that floor is important enough that they wanted it further away from whatever is on level -35 without it being too close to the level the Visól's were on?"

Noire nodded and her expression became a 'pretty much' sort of look.

Pene threw her hands up, then they landed back at her sides, and sighed. "Level -27 it is then!"

Once again myself, Violet and Noire were walking down dismal grey stairs. This time the Visóls were here with us. All the way down to level -27.

The closer we got to the door, the higher the tension rose.

I put my finger against my lips to make sure everyone knew to be as quiet as possible.

Pene placed her right ear against the door and wore a look of confusion. 

"There's no sound, just dead silence." She spoke in a hushed voice. 

"Well that's highly unusual." I say in a whisper.

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