Chapter 29: Coincidental Not Intentional

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A/N: Icarus Solarus (18) ^

Angel's P.O.V

Noire, Klaude, Pene and Riven had all gone in another direction. Lizzie was still somewhere.

The only real reason was to cover more ground to see if we could find anyone else.

Then we meet at the town hall. Maybe then it will finally be over.

One can only hope.

It seems I was too caught up in my head because my brother had to nudge me to get me to snap out of it. 

That's when I noticed the person the two of them were looking at.

He looked to be the same age as Vice, maybe a little bit older. His blonde hair looked charred, like something had burnt it.

"Forgive me for meeting you in someplace so awkward." 

"The middle of the road is pretty awkward." Violet agreed. "Then again no one's around." She looked around for a moment before looking in the air. "That makes it worse."

"Trust me when I say that it's entirely coincidental that I met you here. My intention was to meet you someplace nicer, someplace you'd feel more comfortable."

"How can we trust someone we don't know the name of?" Vice spoke blandly.

I opened my mouth to argue with him about being rude but then I nodded in agreement. "Fair.."

"My apologies. My name is Icarus Solarus." Icarus spoke.

Violet snickered. "What did they run out of Greek Gods?"

"This coming from someone who doesn't believe that photosynthesis is a real word?" Icarus spoke with a raised eyebrow.

Violet took a deep inhale through her noise, then a long exhale from her mouth. "If we ever become friends you will never bring that up again and  you will stop apologising before I slap you to space. Or the sun whichever your name prefers."

"The sun will do just nicely. Although my friend was supposed to be here. Then again we were supposed to confront five of you. Tell me, why are there only three?"

"We split up to look for clues I guess." I told him in the most convincing way possible.

"So where is you friend?" Violet asked.

"Up there." Icarus said as he pointed upwards.

"He's dead?!" Violet exclaimed. 

"No! He's up there on the rooftop." Icarus stated.

"Why?" Vice quizzed.

"Because he says that people only spill their secrets at the risk of someone's life."

"I mean he's not entirely wrong, he's stupid but not wrong." Violet spoke.

"You two will get along just fine then." Vice announced as he grabbed Violet's upper arm and dragged her towards the building.


Vice and Violet had left to go find Icarus' friend. About 5 minutes had passed.


He sighed and sat on the ground, his legs in a criss-cross shape.

I did the same.

"How about we ask each other questions. Would you like to go first Angelique?"


"I thought only your friends were allowed to call you by that name."

"Well you're not exactly one of the ordinary.."

"The ordinary?"

"The people who aren't like us. The people who aren't," I paused, "experiments."

"The people of Northfold, they're the ordinary. You and I both know that nobody in Eastfell is ordinary, experiment or not."

"Exactly. Eastfell is special. It holds some kind of power... that we just have to find."

"For a 14 year-old girl, that I've been told can be delusional at times, you're surprisingly intelligent."

"I suppose being around people like me has helped. They know things, so I learn things."

"Is there something you want to ask me?"

"Are you on our side or are you not?"

"I am on your side. The man I work for is on your side."

"There's one more thing."

"Of course, ask away."

I opened my mouth to speak.


What? It sounded like my brother was calling me...

From inside my head.


I did.

My eyes widened.

It was now or never....

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 29 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 30 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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