Chapter 26: Mother Dearest

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A/N: Hoo-boy. This is gonna be fun to write....

Lizzie's P.O.V

I think it's safe to say that I have absolutely no idea where I'm going or where I am. There's probably no way out of this maze.

I had a choice of left or right.


Left or right?

Left again.

Left or right?


There was a fountain. 

'Am I in the center of the maze?' I thought to myself.

I was curious so I began to look around.

"Is that you my darling?" Spoke a voice I thought I'd never hear again.

My eyes widened in horror and my expression was clearly disgusted.

I turned around slowly to face the person who spoke and I plastered the falsest smile on my face as I could.


"Where on earth have you been? I've been so worried.." She spoke in her sickeningly sweet tone.

"Really? Just you? Nobody else in our family has been worried at all? Okay." 

"I thought you were dead.."

"Oh I'm sorry, did I ruin your happy moment?"

"Can't you see that I'm happy to have you back?" She asked.

"I know this maze is playing tricks on me. If you were a figment of my imagination, you'd be a lot nicer. Considering that's how I wanted you to act." 

"But, my darling, I love you. With all my heart." 

Sickening. Absolutely sickening.

"You love me? Then explain why you never called me by my name."

"I did."

"No, you called me 'El-eye-zabeth'. That's not my name."

"I'm sorry. We all make mistakes, don't we?"

"Yes, we do. Now I'm going to leave and go back to what I was looking for. Goodbye." I turned on my heels and began walking away.

"Don't go Lizzie, please."

I stopped in my tracks. I refused to turn and face her.

"What did you call me?" My tone sounded almost menacing.


I cut her off.

"You have no right." I spoke as I turned to face her. "No right! To call me by that name."

"Is it off limits?"

"Don't sass me woman. Only one person used to call me by that name." 

"Oh really? Just one?"

"This is a person whom I loved and cared about so dearly. A person who took his own life because his parents were just like you. Cruel and manipulative."

"Aw, isn't that sweet? I'm sure nobody calls you that now."

"Actually there are people who call me that. A lovely fifteen-year-old girl named Violet, who has wild pink hair, calls me it. It's the shortened version of my name."

"You made friends? How cute."

"Even if I made one friend, that's more than you've ever had in your lifetime."

"You know, the day after your disappearance a young gentleman with dark brown hair knocked on our door. He asked if he could talk to you, but your father said we hadn't seen you since yesterday."

"And what happened then?" I said in a flat tone, clearly having none of her shit.

"He took one look in my direction and seemed to know what was going on."

"Why would he know unless you had something to do with it?"

"An older looking man had come by the day before. He asked me where you were and I told him you were at the Le Beau household."

"So you let a man kidnap your only daughter then proceeded to lie about the fact that you knew something?!" She was getting on my last nerve by this point. "I'd say 'burn in Hell' but even the Devil himself doesn't deserve that sort of punishment."

"I just wanted a better life for you." She spoke, attempting to try and make herself seem like the victim.

"No, you didn't. You wanted to be the center of attention, and you couldn't whilst another girl was around."


"In a way I should be thanking you." I sighed. "I was able to make friends because of you. Real friends with people who are just like me. People I would've existed alongside, but never interacted with. But I get to live my life now."

She smiled and turned away.

'If she starts monologuing, I'm walking away.' I thought with a shake of my head.

I don't remember what came over me, but I know that I crouched down and picked up a rock.

I crept over to my mother and hit her over the back of the head. 

I looked down at her. 

"Thank you. For being such a horrible mother."

The rage I felt took over me.

I hit her on the back of the head.

Over and over and over again.

I stood up and my eyes widened when I realised what I'd done.

I put my free hand over my mouth, while the other still clutched to the bloodstained rock.

I could feel myself trembling.

Blood was everywhere.

Vice's P.O.V

I turned the corner and saw that all too familiar white hair. But she was just standing there.

As I got closer I realised what was wrong. She was stood over the corpse of a woman with a bloody rock in her hand.

"Lizzie?" I asked.

"I didn't mean it." Her voice wavered as she spoke. "I don't know what came over me..."

I walked up to her and did something I normally wouldn't do.

I enveloped her in a tight hug and rested my chin on top of her head. "It's gonna be okay. This maze does awful things to people."

Her shaking hand slowly released it's grip on the rock, and gravity slammed it straight to the ground.

I imagine tears were running down her face.

Her shaking arms wrapped themselves around my body.

We just stood there.

The silence only being prevented by her whimpers.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 26 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 27 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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