Chapter 24: Mortimer's Maze

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A/N: Yay cursed maze talk

Lizzie's P.O.V

I would say that the bright morning sun had woken us all up but I don't believe for a second any of us were actually sleeping.

Six of us were stood in the main lobby area, I guess you could call it that, of the house. The only two that weren't there was Pene and Riven.

Violet was looking out of a window that faced the back garden. 

"I know this is a completely unrelated topic." She started, clearly unaware that none of us were speaking. "But I never actually realised how big this maze was. It's massive. Who the hell built such a giant leafy structure?"

"Her great-grandfather Mortimer? It is Mortimer's Maze after all.." Angel responded.

"Everyone knows that it became a huge tourist attraction Vi, we spoke about this before we even walked into the house." Noire spoke calmly.

"Yeah, I know that but has anyone ever been inside the maze?" Violet asked.

"You do realise that the maze has a locked gate at it's entrance, right?" Vice answered while folding his arms.

"How come?" Violet quizzed.

"In the 1930's the maze never had a gate, it was always open to the public for tours." Vice started.

"But in the late 1960's a gate was put in place to keep anyone and everyone out. They had a right to after about 1000 or so people disappeared." Noire continued. 

"When I was around, there was always a rumour that my family had the key to the gate that never existed." I chimed in.

"That's because your family did have it." Pene spoke as she walked down the stairs. "And someone in your family gave it to the person who then buried it under the tree." 

"So that's what it opens.." I spoke softly.

"Skeleton tree, skeleton key. Skeleton gate key." Pene continued.

"I-it all adds up.." Klaude stuttered.

"Whoever is behind all this, whoever is leaving these small clues knew that we could figure it out." I said.

"We're the ultimate riddle masters!" Violet exclaimed.

"None of this has been any form of riddle, Vi." Noire sighed.

"You never know. Someone could give us a riddle..." Violet said shaking her head.

"Is there any point to this whole conversation? Or are we just going to stand here while Violet looks out of a window..?" Angel asked.

"Do we have any reason to go in the maze?" Vice questioned.

"There are two halves of a key in that maze, what it leads to I'm not sure. Many people disappeared trying to look for it." I started. "It's not a maze you can easily get lost in, it's one your mind travels in."

"What does that mean?" Pene asked.

"A single sentence has been preserved in my family ever since Mortimer spoke it. 'This maze will show you memories, not your own but those of others.' Confusing as it sounds it's pretty straight forward." I answered.

By the time we were all stood in front of the maze Riven had decided to join us.

"Mortimer always had a saying about the maze. 'Tis not wise to enter the maze alone. Tis even less wise to enter as three.' He was right."

"And what does that mean?" Violet quizzed. 

"People disappeared because they went in alone.." Angel spoke.

"That doesn't explain 'to enter as three' part." Violet carried on.

"There are only two parts of the key. Meaning the third person wouldn't get a part and would potentially get stuck." Vice answered.

"Riven?" I asked.

She looked at me like she knew what I was going to ask and handed me the key.

I placed the key into the lock and turned it. The unnervingly satisfying noise of the click was enough to send shivers down a dead man's spine.

"So who's the lucky number two?" I asked turning to face the others.

"I'm right behind you." Pene spoke confidently.

"No." Vice said bluntly.

"No? What do you mean no?" Pene said seeming quite offended.

"If myself and Lizzie are the oldest by age then we should be the ones to go." Vice started turning to Pene. "If my sister trusts you, then I trust you to keep her safe."

Pene slowly nodded and took a step back.

Myself and Vice turned to face the maze's entrance and slowly made our way inside.


Hope you enjoyed Chapter 24 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 25 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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