Chapter 14 | Drunk

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George and Sarah left the kitchens far past midnight, accidentally pushing a shelf of metal plates to the ground.

"Oh, no!" Sarah giggled, as they shuffled through the portrait. George draped an arm around her shoulders sloppily.

"We need to be very very quiet!" George whispered loudly, but Sarah was far too off her head to care.

"Yes! Very very quiet!" Sarah agreed.

They approached the Grand staircase, Sarah clutching the banister and George clutching Sarah. Their feet slipped on the smooth marble, but somehow they made it to the top.

"If my mama could see me now - " Sarah exclaimed, once they reached the top of the staircase. She stared up at the roof, as if staring at the Heavens above.

"She'd be so proud!" George slurred, mirroring Sarah's actions.

"Mama!" Sarah and George chanted at the roof, as if expecting to see Trinity Copper to float down and greet them.

Their noise seemed to attract some attention from a certain cat, Mrs Norris, who's yellow eyes narrowed at George and Sarah.

"Kitty!" George exclaimed, approaching the cat to pet it. By the time he got there, Mrs Norris had darted away from him and back down the corridor.

"It doesn't like you, Georgie!" Sarah piped up, giggling at his crestfallen expression.

George and Sarah continued towards Gryffindor Common room, somehow tackling the moving staircases. To their dismay, they found company outside the common room.

Professor McGonagall turned sharply towards the pair, her lips pressed in a tight line. Sarah couldn't tell what it was - whether it was the stench of alcohol, or the fact that George was clutching a bottle of presseco - but Professor McGonagall grabbed both of them by the biceps and escorted them into the common room.

George and Sarah were pushed onto the sofa by the fireplace. In the orange light, Sarah noticed Fred, Lee, Angelina, Alicia and Patricia there also. All their faces showed shock and confusion at the state that George and Sarah were in.

"I am shocked at the both of you! I know you two both like a joke, but getting drunk in the kitchens!? Outrageous behaviour from the both of you, considering it's a school night and the Castle has guests!" McGonagall shrieked, wagging a finger at the two of them. She turned sharply to Sarah, who's eyes were glassy.

"And especially you, Miss Copper! Considering you history, I'd have thought you'd be far more careful when it came to alcohol!"

"We'll talk about this tomorrow, when you're both in your right state of minds," Professor McGonagall said slowly.

"And no hangover cure, you should feel the consequences for your actions," She finished calmly, before walking out the common room with a swish of her robes.

There was a moment of silence, everyone staring at their hands. Angelina made the first move, taking the bottle from George's hands. He stared at her, their hands making contact for a second.

"Enough for you," She said calmly, looking away from his eyes. She made the liquid in the bottle disappear with a flick of her wand.

Fred finally met Sarah's eyes, cerulean blue they were. It was like a shock to the system when you saw them for the first time because you'd almost swear they glowed. In the Gryffindor Common room, they held the reflection of the flickering fire.

"Sarah, why don't we got to bed?" Alicia asked, taking Sarah's hand.

"Okay," Sarah replied obediently, letting Alicia lead her up the Girls staircase.

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