Chapter 7 | Fresh

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Word spread around the Castle that Sarah was pranking with the Weasley twins now, from what River was telling her in music anyways. The boy, who previously was writing lyrics, burst into a rant about what had happened the other night.

"Sarah. Everyone's scared! Scared! Apparently, you're considered scary," River rambled, whilst Sarah stared at him and attempted to piece together what he said.

"I am very scary. I don't know what you mean?" Sarah joked after a moment.

"Oh, god. So scary!" River continued, literally getting up to hide under his chair.

"River?" Sarah laughed.

"It's quite roomy down here - come here," River's muffled voice said. Sarah squealed as he grabbed her ankle.

"Fine, I'm coming," Sarah muttered, before climbing under the chair. River was right, it was roomy down here.

"You seem a bit spacy," River stated.

"Oh, I'm just brainstorming ideas for the Halloween prank. I've been recruited to help," Sarah replied.

"It's only just gone October, seems a bit early?" River wondered.

"You don't know how much preparation a Halloween prank needs until you do it, River. Trust me!"

"I think you've finally found your second niche,"

"What? Pranking?"

River and Sarah's aims that they wanted to complete before they finished Hogwarts was to have three talents, or as they nicknamed them, niches. River and Sarah both had singing as their number one, but River also had art as his number two. Sarah hadn't found her number two just yet.

"Yeah!" River continued, nodding eagerly.

"That means we've both got over a year and half to find our last niche," Sarah calculated.

"Mental, I've been thinking about my third niche. Nothing comes to mind," River told her, rubbing the back of his neck in thought.

"That means I have to think about my third niche too! Merlin's pants!" Sarah realised, crossing her arms over her chest.

"So, are you sitting with Johnson, Spinnet and Stimpson at dinner?" River asked randomly, changing the subject.

"And Fred and George. You should sit near us. Bring Spike as well," Sarah told him. Spike was the nickname for River's best friend in Ravenclaw. No one actually knew his real name, so everyone called him Spike. He was quiet, but when he spoke, he would say something so iconic that it made everyone like him.

"You're always telling me to bring Spike along," River laughed, shaking his head.

"He's a great guy!" Sarah defended herself, putting her hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, I suppose I will," River replied, smiling.

"Oh, by the way. You should talk to Alicia. I think you two would get along," Sarah told him, recalling the conversation she had with Alicia, in which Alicia confessed to having a thing for River.

"Didn't realise you were playing matchmaker, Copper?" River teased, but he was blushing.

"Maybe that can be my third niche," Sarah added, followed by River's boisterous laughing.

"No way!" River laughed, "Never going to happen!"

"You're a hypocrite. Remember when you tried to get me and Cormac Mclaggen together!" Sarah laughed, pointing an accusing finger at him.

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