Chapter 25 | Valentine

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Due to the upcoming second task, the Hogsmeade day had been pushed back to January, which essentially meant that Valentine's day was cancelled.

To Sarah, who's romantic life was only recently revived, she wasn't quite sure what she thought about it. Angelina and Patricia were both annoyed by this, whilst Alicia wasn't too bothered.

"I won't be having a date this year, then?" Patricia frowned, as the four girls walked away from the sign pinned to the notice board within the Gryffindor Common room.

"You could go on a date in Hogwarts? The sunset at the black lake is usually quite nice!" Sarah gave Patricia a gentle nudge with her arm. Sarah had only been to the lake at sunset once, but she also wasn't in the mood to see Patty sulk all day.

"No, everyone will be doing that. I'd rather be alone with the lad," Patricia replied with a shrug as the girls climbed through the portrait hole.

Alicia laughed slightly, "You would've taken him to Madam Puddyfoot's and no one can be alone in there."

"Oh, yeah. I heard they don't play music in there because all the kissing noises cover it up anyway," Sarah chortled alongside Alicia.

"Well, I'm disappointed. I wanted to go somewhere with George. You know, our first Valentine's together. . ." Angelina trailed off, her eyes clouding over.

Sarah bit back a sigh. She loved Angelina, she really did, but every since her and George had started dating, she wouldn't shut up about him. Sarah loved George too, but she didn't want to hear all the details.

"I'm sure he will plan something else with you, Angie," Alicia told Angelina. Sarah caught Alicia's eye and the two shared an amused, yet exhausted smile.

"Well, how about you two? Are River or Fred doing anything with you?" Patricia asked as they came to a stop. They were waiting for the moving staircase to move to the platform they were stood on.

"Nothing special, no," Alicia replied.

"Same. We're just going to hang out, I think," Sarah added.

It was also both their first Valentine's with their boyfriends, but to them, it wasn't as special as people made it out to be. To them, it was just a commercial holiday.

"That's so boring. Live a little, yeah?" Patricia whined at them. Sarah rolled her eyes, but didn't reply.

"Live a little? - " Alicia began, her eyes narrowed at Patricia.

" - Oh, look! The stairs are here!" Angelina quickly interrupted before Alicia and Patricia could start arguing.

"I'm starving." Sarah added as they headed down the stairs.

"Oh, me too. Are they doing pancakes today?" Alicia agreed, more or less calm again.

"I'm not sure. Everyone thinks they have a router, but I think they just cook whatever," Sarah replied thoughtfully.

The four girls reached the Great Hall with a surprise. As they approached the grand doors, they were met with the a bright pink banner that read 'Valentine' s Morning!'

"Oh my god? Is this - no way?" Sarah mumbled to Alicia, who looked as astounded as herself.

"I think it's wonderful!" Patricia gasped, her hands clasped together. Staring at Patricia reminded Sarah of the melodramatic Disney princesses.

"Isn't it? We can have dates!" Angelina agreed, before grabbing Patty's wrist and leading them into the hall.

Further into the hall, the bright pink decor continued. Instead of the house tables, there were round tables draped in pink cloth. The chairs tucked into the tables had pink ribbon tied around their backs. In the background, elevator music was playing.

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