Act V, Scene 1

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The next day at school for SeokJin isn't any different than the previous ones.

When he reaches the building, as always, he leaves his jacket in his locker, neatens his uniform's tie and take out all needed textbooks, then walks towards the room where he spends the few next hours.

He is the first person in the classroom, so he casually walks to his usual sit and decides to do something to kill some time before the first class starts, so he takes out his small sketchbook and a set of pencils, thinking deeply and almost blindly tracing the page with stylus, creating a sketch filled with emotions. It is one of that few things thanks to which he hasn't lost his mind yet. That way he can get what's in his soul off his chest, if he can't do it any other way. 

Sometimes on his page a literal wad of lines appears, a cluster that seemingly doesn't have any sense, which for a not skilled eye looks like some doodles on the side of the bored student's notebook. However that ones that think for a little longer, look deeper, see those lines as a manifesto of author's inner chaos. A portrait of the lost soul, that isn't able to find itself in the labyrinth of fears and thoughts.

Some other times, from under the boy's a little crooked fingers, comes a subtle sketch of a human faceless form, that he couldn't give a happy features because he can't imagine them. No, it's not like he can't, he just doesn't know how to draw them in the white paper, so he hides his anxieties in the moves of the people that he sketch.

He's also familiar with pictures of nature, showing it with numerous landscapes, his feelings adjuring into the weather, somewhere far behind hiding dark clouds of a storm and unforgiving lightnings, like painful thoughts and memories.

SeokJin wouldn't be himself if someone would take his white, clean sheets and pencils away from him. Who knows, maybe there will be a moment, when a light of a new, better day will shine in his life and the boy will add some colour to his monochrome drafts.

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