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Let's move seven years later. So many things had happened, our protagonists grew up, changed their view at some aspects, became even more steady in others. But still, they stayed together, no matter what difficulties they met on the stage of life where they played their roles. 

Every one of them at some point has chosen their own path, but it didn't stop them from being friends. They still cared for each other, kept themselves updated in others' lives, supported and stayed by each one of them. Their friendship survived many hardships and they couldn't be happier about it. 

However, let's focus on our main protagonists.

HoSeok finished his course along with SeokJin who was taking the same one. He had chosen a job that was connected to what he learned, achieving all those things he dreamed about as he could help all those people who needed it when life was becoming hard. He also reached his other goal, which was lifting up his family from poverty. He supported all of them, his parents and sister so they could spread their wings and walk into the future with their heads high. Happiness filled him up as he could see his mother buying herself new clothes and not have to mend them. A smile didn't leave his face as his father managed to find a better job which was enough to maintain himself and his wife who also changed her occupation. And he was also enjoyed that his sister could finally follow her heart, achieving what she had dreamed of. 

All of this made HoSeok happy, content with the life he had. He could do whatever he wanted and not worry if he would have something to eat or a place to live. However, he wasn't rich, not like he cared about it. He was satisfied with what he had and didn't require anything more from his life than things he himself earned for.

He was just happy. Living his dreams and having important people close to him. What more he would want? He had everything he needed.

SeokJin agreed with him. He couldn't say that everything was going smoothly, because it wasn't. Many difficulties awaited him in the future, but he wasn't the only one who would need to face them, and that made him remember that he wasn't the center of the world. Memories from earlier years were still coming back to him in nightmares, but with time it became rare. He was happy that he had friends who always helped him when he had problems. There was a time when HoSeok and JeongGuk even lived with him for a while. But therapy and their support helped him win against his trauma.

He knew he would never get rid of it or the pain he felt, but he could work on himself, what he was systematically doing. After all, some years had passed already and in his opinion, he managed well with his life.

He was fulfilling his plans, celebrating every small victory he got. Even his family kept their side of the agreement and let him be. He didn't have to have any interaction with them and it helped him bloom. Finally, he was happy and it was thanks to people who decided to give him a chance as a human, let him be himself. They were his closest friends and he supported them as much as they did it for him. 

He could surely say that his life finally mend and began to go in the best direction he could ever imagine. Only because of this he wouldn't change anything in the past. Despite all those torments he experienced, SeokJin was now happy and he would keep it that way instead of recalling those dark times in his life.

And that's how our protagonists' lives are going.  The spectacle of their lives comes to an end. Let's let them become the actors of other shows, supporting or episodic roles in them, where other people are main characters. Who knows whose story will be the next one we will focus on? Maybe that inconspicuous lady who owns a grocery shop? Or maybe that boy who fell from his bike in the park? We don't know yet, but is it important to who the story will belong? Each one of them will be equally unique. After all, each one of us is the main character in our lives. 

Each one of us has our own life, but maybe it's worth looking at other people and think what's happening in their play? Maybe that inconspicuous person that passes us on the street has life as interesting as some books, maybe almost unbelievable, but still it belongs to them and is true?

It's worth looking at other people as they are someone more than just an extra in our lives. Maybe then we will get to know another play of life that will make us rethink some things?

Who knows. Maybe yes, maybe not. If you managed to get to this point, it means you gave a chance to our protagonists, so maybe you will also give it to other characters, whose stories are written in many other words. Maybe that old lady who lives nearby will surprise you with her own one when you ask her. 

But let's not leave HoSeok and SeokJIn's story yet. Let's finish this show properly.

The final scene which we can see is the two protagonists spending a joyful time with their other friends. And let's keep that image in our minds after all those things they had to go through. 

And here it ends.

The lights are dimming, the curtain falls.



So here it is. The end. I finally translated it. Actually, I should have done it at least some months ago, but the whole lockdown didn't help me with managing my messy life, especially with my lazy nature. So I'm really sorry to everyone who waited for chapters. But now I'm trying to finish each story I started before I start another one and 'Play of Antonyms' was the first one to do it. 

There are many things in this story that I feel I could do better (aside from my grammar), but still, I'm proud of it somehow, as it is the longest story I ever wrote and managed to actually finish.

However, I hope that this story was enough for you to enjoy some time while reading it and maybe some of my other stories would please you too. 

Anyway, I hope you have a good day, as much as it is possible during all those things that are happening in the world.

Stay healthy!

And maybe see you soon in one of my other stories.

bluekatberry, 06.04.2021

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