Act XX, Scene 2

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"You should." HoSeok stubbornly said, as Jin covered his ears, pretending to not hear a single word from the older. "SeokJin" He took Kim's hands in his own, taking them down. "You should go to the police."

"You don't understand HoSeok. They're not like common people. They're different, better cause that have money. Whatever we do will end the same, if not worse. They won't do anything. Police won't even budge." SeokJin once again repeated what he already said several times.

They boys met with the rest of the group that morning and SeokJin finally told them everything after they ate breakfast.

Now they sat in a circle, looking at the two who was discussing the matter. More or less both of them was somehow right. It's true that it should be reported, as Jung said, but, as all of them were from rich families, they knew that Jin is most likely right too about connections his family may have. So no one of them tried to interfere, letting the two come to a conclusion together.

"SeokJin, please." The older didnt even think of giving up. "You can't hide it forever."

"Yes, I can. Just a few more months and I'll escape this hell hole." Kim ensured him, however Hobo didn't believe they. He didn't believe that the old Kim would let him go just like that.

"SeokJin." Jung repeated himself. "Do this for me. Just try. I'll go with you." He tried to encourage him, ready to do this as long as it would take.

They talked like that for a long time, until, to satisfaction of one side and the exact opposite of the other, they came to an agreement. HoSeok couldn't hide how happy he was, while SeokJin wondered how it was that the older could convince him to almost everything.

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