Act XIX, Scene 1

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Trigger warning

SeokJin never went home as happy as that evening. He almost thought that he already used his luck limit for that day.

As if it was a tradition, the old Kim stood front hall of his house with anger on his face, clearly displeased with the presence, or more like lack of it, of his younger son. However it was, it wasn't a good sign, and SeokJin was well aware of it. So he stayed silent, as it was the best thing he could've done at that moment. He quietly took hair shoes off as well as his jacket, while looking at the floor instead of the angry man.

"Where have you been?" He asked with a cold voice.

"With friends." The boy answered quietly, not daring to rise his head.

"Pff, don't joke on me. Don't think I don't know you weren't here since yesterday. Do you think I'm stupid? HUH!?" The older yelled, so hard that a vein popped out on his neck while his face turned red and his pig like eyes never left his child's silhouette. "Answer me!"

"N-no..." The boy stuttered as he flinched after hearing the loud yell.

"Sometimes I really doubt it you little scum." The man murmured dangerously. "You want me to believe that you have friends? You? A worthless excuse of a human? You surely have the courage, just like your mother, fucking whore, unworthy of anything." It seemed as the man was ready spit on the marble floor if it only didn't made it dirty. "But I know better what where you doing outside there, you dirty thing, liar. You're giving it to anyone who wants, just like your mother, ain't you? You clearly have the same personality as she had. Maybe I and your brother went to easy on you if you're looking for that type of fun you disgusting pig. You're destroying the family's name while, you think that I don't know about your bunch of faggots? Friends my ass. Something like you doesn't deserve even a trace of friendliness." Kim continued his monologue, while fear bloomed in his son's heart. 

Maybe it wasn't the worst he heard about himself, but the meaning of his father's words terrified him. He wasn't like that, but the old Kim won't ever believe him, he would only put him even deeper in the  misery of his life. He wasn't even brave enough to deny, known it would only put him in even worse position and it was late thing he wanted.

"It seems that we spoiled you too much if you behave this way. Such contumaciousness deserves punishment. Give me your phone." The man finally said, clearly not going to tolerate any refuse, so Jin immediately did it, wondering when he would gain it back. He didn't want to cut contact with the others, not again, but what could he do?

The old Kim smirked, pleased with the boy's obedience, satisfied with seeing results on his son's 'training'. It didn't take him long to take the device and hide it in his pocket, as he grabbed the boy's wrist, hard enough to paint some bruises that would appear in a few hours.

The father dragged the helpless boy towards basement's door. Maybe it wasn't used as often as the 'play room', where his brother and father 'loves' to spend time with him, but the basement was horrible from the mental side.

When in the 'play rooms' his tortures usually ended in few hours, when it comes to the basement, it happened that SeokJin was closed there for days, in cold and musty smell. He looked in the dark abbys that his father opened with utter terror, only to be thrown inside, his fragile body crashing hard on the stairs, eventually hitting on the cold concrete at the bottom.

He closed his eyes, letting few tears spill on his sad face, when the darkness embraced him. Not because he was loosing conscious, but because his father closed the door, making sure he had taken the bulb out of the room, so the boy wouldn't be able to turn the light on as he was going to be isolated there.

Soon after SeokJin was left with him and his mind only, his whole body hurting, between the darkness, silence and piercing chill.

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