Act VI, Scene 2

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With a quiet sigh, SeokJin walks into the mansion, taking off his shoes and jacket, just to tiptoe to the kitchen a moment later. He doesn't want to be noticed nor by his father, step-mother nor half-brother.

However poor are his tries as he hears insults towards him, from the dining room next to the kitchen. It's not like he isn't used to this by now, but it still hurt him in a way. Being called "it", being chased away from the kitchen just to disappear from the other housemates sight. He really wonders why wasn't he given up to an orphanage, everyone would have less problems. But he came to a conclusion that they just needed someone to hurt. A punching bag in the form of a bastard. He was just unlucky that it is him. He can't do anything about it. 

Wanting to avoid more mocks and jeers, he takes a small pack of granola from the shelve and some corn flakes, a bowl, a spoon and some milk from the fridge, just to hide himself in his room soon after and eat his small dinner there. He's not looking at his family, knowing that he won't see nothing other than the hatred and disgust on their faces. And the only thing he wants is a loving family. Or if not a family, then simply a friend. 

Evenings like that are typical for him. A bowl of cereals as a dinner, preparations for the next day, looking out of the window. Often with the feeling of fresh tears that paint a shiny traces on the wooden floor of the empty room.

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