Act VII, Scene 3

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When HoSeok walks in the classroom this morning, he instantly see that something's off. He looks around the room, noticing what that something is. SeokJin is not at his usual seat. Moreover, he's not even in the classroom. Jung however thinks that the boy just oversleeps. Happens to the best ones, right? 

However, when next lessens have passed and the boy still isn't there, he starts to worry.  He's not close with him, but because of his thoughts from the day before, he can't stop fearing of what can burden the his younger classmate. He even sends him a short message, receiving an information that Kim fell ill that's why he stays at home and that HoSeok should submit the project anyway, as an answer. The older can't shrug of the feeling of uneasiness. However he has no proof and he doesn't want the boy to feel uncomfortable if he suddenly starts to push it and ask many questions.

With unpleasant filling in his tummy and the anxiety somewhere in the back of his head, Jung reminds from class to class and his discomfort doesn't come unnoticed by his friends, but he doesn't want to explain it, cause he himself isn't understanding why he suddenly is interested in the strange boy's fate. Maybe because from the start sees him in a different way than the rest of school? Maybe because he feels like they can become close friends? He doesn't know. However he's sure that he's not feeling well with his fears and wants to make sure that his classmate is alright.

Finally, the class with teacher who asked them to do the project ends, so he walks towards her before she leaves the room.

"Mrs. Choi, I want to submit my and SeokJin's project." He starts, showing the finger disk he holds, that he placed into a small bag he signed with his and Jin's name.

"you finished already?' Asks the surprised woman. "I knew you're talented. What was your project about?"

"About different behaviors in families. Being honest, I wanted to talk to you about it. But, not when there's so many people, who could hear that." The teacher looks at him as if asking, but she quickly tells him to go to the teachers' lounge. 

"Yes HoSeok? What do you want to talk about?" She asks when they reach the room with few teachers inside, who don't seem to be interested in the appearance of the fellow teacher and a student. She shows a chair to the boy, signaling him to sit and looks at him, waiting for him to start. 

"You see, I and SeokJin shared with work, I described good aspects of family life, while he did the negative. Yesterday he gave me his materials and I putted it together with mine. When i read what he prepared, some things trouble me." He admits and starts to explain his conclusions to the woman.

She only nods, listening carefully, only to turn her laptop on to check the prepared file with the project and see with her own eyes if Jung's words make any sense. 

With every moment she looks at the scratches of descriptions, that she can't read closely at the moment, she understands what worries the boy. In fact the text seems quiet personal and gives vibe that what SeokJin had written really happens i his house.

"I see what make you worried. Unfortunately, our school can't do much. SeokJin's father is one of the main sponsors and he's practically untouchable." Mrs. Choi sighs quietly, felling helplessly. "Moreover, it can come out as a false accusation and could end with the charge from Kims because of defamation, if Mr. Kim is easy to anger and lawyers of people like this are good at making victims into culprit, so there's nothing we can do against them."

"So there's nothing that can be done?" HoSeok looks at her almost pleadingly. Now, the longer he talks to Mrs. Choi, the more he worries.

"Unfortunately, I as the teacher have tied hands in this case. But maybe you'll try to reach him? I heard that many people compares him to his brother, who I didn't had a chance to teach, but it's even better. SeokJin seems like a nice boy to me, different than what people say about him. Maybe if you'll be close to him, you'll get to know if something bad is really happening in his life, and even if not, even if it's just a false alarm, both of us would have a clear conscience and who knows, maybe both of you'll become friends." She suggests ending her words at the moment the school bell rings. "Think about it. I would like to talk to you more, but you and I have classes right now. Good luck HoSeok." She says, walking towards the exit of the teachers' lounge and HoSeok follows her. 

They walk in two different ways, and the boys mind is busy with the woman's words. He likes her idea. Jin really seems to be a good person and Jung would like to know him better. It's true, he could've done it earlier, knowing that they're at the same class for three years already, but better later than never.

And if it appears that SeokJin really needs help, HoSeok is more than ready to lend him heling hand.

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