The coin jar

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"Where is the coin jar?"
"What for?"
"It's inside the kitchen cabinet." His little sister pointed to the kitchen with her thumb.

Kent entered the kitchen and opened the cabinet. His little sister thought about it and decided that she was also wanted pizza.

"I want my half of the pizza to have pepperoni with extra cheese."
"Fine! Just let me count!" Kent opened the jar and stacked the coins; every four quarters to amount to a dollar, ten dimes, twenty nickels, and so on.

"Hello, Pizza Hut? Uh, yeah, I want half of the pizza to have pepperoni with extra cheese..."
"5... 6... 7.25... 8... 9.06..."
"...and the other half of to have regular pepperoni, and 7up."
"12.50... 14... 16.02..."
"The address is Berkely Street..."
"18.95... 20... 21.30..."
"Whoa whoa whoa wait, it's Berkely Street number-"
"23.80... 24..."
"Kay then, bye." Mandy hung up.
"Better make it 28, just to be safe."
"Dammit, Mann!" Kent had to take out two quarters, thirty nickels and ten more dimes.

The pizza delivery guy arrived with the pizza and soda a half hour later.

"Here is your order."
"Here is your change."

The pizza guy notices a shiny coin.

"Sir, this is a five pence."
"How the hell did a five pence get in there?"
"Is for good luck." Mandy stood up from the couch, took the five pence, and gave a dime.

"And the tip?" The door was shut in his face.

"What the hell were you thinking putting a five pence in a coin jar?!"

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