Wrong room

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When Andy and Dany arrive to the hotel, they find that the room they got is not the same they booked.
Dany is ok with that, but Andy is not.
She slams the door on her way to the manager to demand the change to the right room.
She comes back a few minutes later carrying bad news: they've been kicked out of the hotel.

"This is not the room that we booked for." Andy said after she saw the room while her partner laid down the luggage.
"What's the deal? Is just a room." Dany said to her with a hand on his hip.
"Is not just a room, look at it!" Andy outstreched her right hand, gesturing around the room. "The paint is peeled off, this room doesn't even have a window." She saw him looked into the old wooden that was faded and had splinters beneath.
"At least there is a bathroom in here." Dany said, his head poking into the bathroom. When Andy took a peek, her face creased in disgust. Looking at the ancient porcelain toilet.
"The tiles are full of rust for crying out loud!" Not to mention the worn out, and scratched out drapes, and the mold that stained the oval shaped carpet that once had a burgundy color. Now green and dark brown from lack of cleaning and years of humidity.
"Look at the bright side! Not a single rat in sight." Dany plopped himself unto the hard mattress. When Andy closed the drape, she saw a swarm full of cockroaches inside the coral colored rub with traces of feces. Also the holes that the roaches came out of through the cracked tiles. She held the urge to hurl at that moment.
"I'm not gonna stand for this. I'm gonna go to the manager and demand for a better room, so help me or my name isn't Andrea Saavedra." She slams the door on her way to the manager. Dany simply tried to make an angel on the bed on the hard matress. Andy walked down the hallway.

When she saw an employee talking to the manager. The maid laughed before entering, the man on the counter was a fat man with a smug face with a mole on the right side of his chin. Andy hit the bell. The manager cocked his head to the side. "How may I help you?"

"You can help me by giving me the room that I booked!" Andy raised her voice. The manager brought her to his office which was just a small space with three chairs. The fat tub of lard typed on his keyboard with his stubby fingers.

"Your name." He asked her, looking at the angry woman for a split second before looking back at the screen.
"Andrea Saavedra." He typed her name and searched for the reservations on the hotel's website. He scrolled down before finding the date with her name on it with the number of the dorm.
"It says here that you and your spouse booked for room 27 before changing the reservations to another room." The manager told her.
"We did no such thing!" Andrea shouted before standing from her seat.
"That's what it says here in the guests page." The manager pointed at the computer screen, before she walked up behind him, looking at the screen.

Dany sat on the edge of the mattress and took out a prepaid phone to call one of his homies. "Hey Shiv, it's me. I'm at the hotel that is near the West Coast Casino with Andy... no, she doesn't know about it yet. I'm gonna need another den to hide in just in case. Yeah, I'm gonna give you the dough. I know where the rendezvous point is. I'll meet you there. Chillax, Shiv, chill. Gotta hang up, she could come in at any moment." Dany hung up and put it back inside the bag along with the chip that contained the credits.

Andy opened the door slowly as she looked at her partner with downcast eyes, fidgeting, she gave him the bad news. "Uh... honey." He can already tell by her body language that she did something really bad, with her bad temper, she made that face when she knew she screwed up big time.

"Andy...what did you do this time?" His tone sounded authoritive. "I kind of... sorta... got us kicked out of the hotel."

"What did you do?!" He yelled.

Andy bit her nails when she recalled that she shouted at the manager, insulting him for his weight, his lack of administration and hygiene and stapling his hand, but when Dany saw the manager, one of the lenses of his glasses were cracked and he had a black eye. He also saw scratch marks on the right side of his cheek his mole flayed open.

One of the reasons that they agreed to go on vacation was to help control Andy's anger. As he suspected, they needed a new place to stay. The question he had was how he was going to meet up with Shiv without Andy interfering with his business? The guards tossed their luggage at the pavement. The manager glared at them, more so at Andy. With the fit of anger she had, and signs of physical harm that she inflicted against him. The manager could sue them if he wanted to, he had footage.

With the stunt that she pulled, he could use this tension as an excuse to meet up with Shiv. He just needed time to find a new place to stay in the meantime.

"Dany." Andy said as she tried to explain, he simply grabbed the luggage and gave her the silent treatment while they found a new place to stay.

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