This is not clean

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"Did you wash this?" Carmine asked, pointing at the pot.

"I washed it yesterday." Scarlet told her.
"Are you sure? Look at it. This is not clean." Carmine beckoned to look at the pot closely. Scarlet looked at the rusty pot and didn't see the problem.

"Where is it dirty?" Scarlet asked her.
"Here, here and there." Carmine pointed first at the bottom of the corner of the pot, then the handle, and lastly, the brown dot that was inside the pot that no matter how much one would scrape it, it wouldn't go away.

"Those are stains, they wouldn't come out." Scarlet told her.
"They weren't there last week." Carmine remarked.
"Well... I don't know." Scarlet admitted.

"Is it so hard for you to do things right?" Carmine admonished her.

"Really? Again with that?" Scarlet asked a rhetoric question, as she put her fists against her hips.

"Really? Are you going to keep doing things wrong." Carmine imitated her tone, mocking her.

"That's it! I'm sick of this." Scarlet tossed the washcloth at the sink as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady!?" Carmine raised her voice in an accusatory tone.

"I had it up to here with your complaints! If you want something done right, then do it yourself!" Scarlet went to her small bedroom to pack her belongings with the money she earned as a waitress. "I've had it with you complaining about every single thing! You missed a spot, you folded the towel wrong, you didn't scrub the windowpane hard enough, you didn't apply the right amount of hair conditioner." And Scarlet kept adding the list of complaints that she heard from her aunt over the years while she packed her clothes, the essentials and her ID. "I. HAD. ENOUGH! Every time I do the cleaning you demand more than you could dish out!" Scarlet shouted as she walked back to the living room.

"You think I'm demanding?! Just wait 'til you find someone who'll make your life a living hell!" Carmine shouted as she shook her fist.

"Then you take first place! I'm through with you." Scarlet opened the door and exited the house, closing the door with a loud slam.

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