Silent flight.

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[Marina is amazed with her new ear plugs. Not even a single sound reaches her. Across the window she sees the wing of the plane, perfectly silent and steady. She takes the plugs off and became aware that every other passenger is in absolute silence.
When she stood up to go to the bathroom, she realises the reason for the absence of sound. The plane is completely empty. And worse, the door to the cockpit is wide open and the only thing she can see is a blinding light.]

Marina shielded her eyes.

"Long time no see, sis." His voice echoed within the confines of the plane.
"Abel?" She heard footsteps coming closer.  "No... it couldn't be. You died! I saw you fall off." It was seven years ago.

Abel was in his late teens, Marina was thirteen when she saw him jump off the ledge of the condominium where they used to live. Back then, Abel wanted to be a skydiver or a pilot. He loved the adrenaline when it came to being airborne. After his classmates challenged him to jump to another infrastructure. Knowing that it was a bad idea, she warned him not to do it.

He told her that he was going to be fine, that he was going reach the heavens. The sky is the limit. But he ignored the laws of gravity. The weight of his words. The impact he caused when he fell off and plummeted to the cold concrete. "Your skull was cracked open!"

After his death she studied to become a lawyer. And now she was taking her flight to Maine to reunite with her family. Of all the airlines that she could choose she had to pick the airline Abel wanted to work for.

"There is nowhere to go but up." Abel spoke the atmosphere was suffocating, unsettling.

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