Whats in the jar?

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Will lives alone and worked for the last four months researching the life of the doctor who use to live in the apartment before him and died from a strange disease.
In that time, no one but him walked his home. That night Will gets up hungry in the middle of the night and goes for a snack.
He opens the fridge and finds a jar with a creepy substance. A jar that's not his own.

Will grabbed the jar with a strange substance. He saw the label with scribbled handwriting stamped on the jar. EXP# 533P

He opened the lid of the jar to take a taste of the substance that looked like blue gelatin. A sweet taste that certainly killed him slowly.

In one of the files that had been found months later in one of the cabinets.
[EXP# 533P is deemed a failure... the liquidized microbeads of the concoction was made to evaporate when ingested to heal the airways of the lungs in attempts to counteract respiratory complications but it did the opposite effect. The substance not only exacerbates the intake of oxygen, it devours the bloodcells and the mucus in the human body in a matter of days. To anyone who finds these documents. Dispose any residue of my experiments. Some of the samples are far more dangerous than the infamous Crownvirus. I consider this my last experiment.] A blotch of dried blood was found within the document that the defunct doctor left.

"So that was what it was." Will croaked before died. His black skin was mostly eaten from the inside.

The symptoms that he suffered when he was agonizing:
Gastritis, dryness of the eyes, dehydration, hallucinations, vomitting, fatigue, blood loss, and other similar deteriorating illnesses that had let him dry as a bone.

He died in the same room as the dead doctor.

533P or SEEP, was a sentient blue liquid that devoured Will inside out, from the enzymes to the tissue.

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