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Martin is aware that she's connected. He knows all he has to do is talk to her. After all, writing through the phone is not so bad as being face to face. But he hesitates.
He writes something and erases it. Then tries again and erases it one more time. In the middle of his third try, the phone slips from his hand and the text is sent unfinished.

Good. She's connected. What do I say to her?

[Ana, I've been meaning to ask you out. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?]

No! That's stupid.

[Ana, I've been meaning to_]



[Hey, I've wanted to ask you out for a long time. Do you wanna hang out?]

No, that won't work.

[Hey, I've wanted to ask you out_]


What do I tell her?


[Do you wanna go out on a da_]

Shit! I dropped it. Let's see if I can still edit the- no... nonononononononono!

Shit! I blew it.

Wait, I can fix this!

[Ignore the text_]

[Sure! Why not? Where are you gonna take me?]



[This Friday night at 8 in Olive Garden.]

[It's a date then, see you there. 😘]


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