Something is coming.

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[Emily left the bed and went straight to make her coffee. She couldn't start the day without that. She took the sip still standing up and watched across the window to the extensive field in front of her. Then she saw something in the far, coming near slowly and drop the mug she was holding.]

The mug shattered on the tiled floor, hot coffee burning Emily's left foot.

She winced, her face contorting and teeth gritting from the pain before looking out the window, she saw gusts of wind circling, taking chunks of wood and roof bricks.

"A twister." She ran to her closet to throw in her jacket, three pairs of shirts, two pairs of jeans, an overall, two bras, four briefs and a hat into a bag before putting on her brown boots.

She grabbed her purse and ran from her house as fast as she could, her father's toolshed got hit by the twister and was reduced to rubble.

She found a bike that belonged to one of the neighbors. She took it without consent nor permission, because in a fight or flight situation, you have to rely on survival instincts immediately. So she rode the bike, pedaling as the twister took the planks that belonged to a wooden fence.

While pedaling, she heard her phone ring but didn't answer. Not until she got away from the twister. She turned left and pedaled on the road, she only saw a truck heading her way. She got on the corner of the road to let the truck pass. If the truck is heading towards the twister, it was too late to turn back now.

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