Strange flavor.

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Ana pours mineral water into a glass, and when she drinks it, she notices a strange taste. She rather not drink it and pours water from the tap. Again, the strange taste. She looks for her partner to ask him if he noticed that weird flavor, but instead, she finds a glass on the floor surrounded with water and also on the floor, her boyfriend.

Ana pours mineral water into the glass and takes a sip from the glass.

"Strange." Ana thought, making a disgusted facial expression. She throws the water down the drain then poured the tap water on the glass.

Same taste.

"That can't be right. The water filter is working just fine... is it me?" Ana thought, "I'll ask Bruno." She looks for her partner to ask him if he noticed that weird flavor.

He has been working as a taste tester for years, though his job was underpaid and unappreciated. At least he found a hobby that made him happy.

Despite that Bruno was a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to food, at least he was honest with her. Even though Ana and Bruno are polar opposites, and that's why they liked each other so much.

"Bruno, where are you?"

She couldn't find him.

Ana returned to the kitchen and found her glass on the floor surrounded with water. The water was rising past her ankles and she saw Bruno on the inundated floor, his body soaked in water. His brown wet hair, swaying side to side.

"Bruno! Bruno! Wake up!" She went up to him and lifted his head from the water.

Like her tears.

"Wake up!"
He opened his eyes and coughed.

Like his lips.

"Ana..." He coughed as the water reached to their knees.

Like thier situation.

The water reached to their shoulders.

"The water is..." Bruno got pulled into the water. Ana dived into find him, but she drowned.




She gasped when she got pulled out of the water. "Ana! Ana! Honey, speak to me."

"The water tastes terrible." Ana spoke as her body looked like a shriveled prune.

"You fell asleep on the tub and your body absorbed the bathsalts." Bruno wrapped his arms around her to embrace her. "I thought I lost you." Bruno cried.

That's why the water from her dream tasted strange.

It tasted like regret.

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