Traffic jam

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A bus is stuck in traffic when a sudden stop makes a man hit his head against the window and starts to bleed. There's no doctors around and the traffic is so jammed that the ambulance can't make it through.


A gasp and a shriek was heard as one of the passengers on the bus was recording. A bald man was bleeding against a severely cracked window from the impact, droplets of blood stainimg the glass as the main remained unconscious.

"Someone call an ambulance!" A woman shouted.
"We're in a traffic jam! How are we going to get out?!" A man countered.
"Is there a doctor here?" Another woman asked.
Laura pulled out gauzes, alcohol, and her mother's sewing kit from her backpack. She finished her studies in medschool and she was about to start her internship as a paramedic, though she had low income, she could only afford to drive the bus to go to the hospital that was assigned to her for her school's curriculum.

She dabbed her hands in alcohol to clean the affected area, then she wrapped the man's head with the gauze. She laid his head down to her lap. He was still bleeding, she had to take out her mother's sewing kit and had to disinfect the needle with alcohol.

Laura had to check his injury, there was an open wound that ran up from the edge of his eyebrow down to his cheekbone, she had to sew the open wound. She sinked the needle to the skin and made a small hole to pull out the needle to start sewing the tissue to seal the wound shut. By the time she finished sewing the open wound, the cars started moving one by one. She heard a sigh of relief, but she didn't care about the murmurs and comments about the passengers.

All that she cared about the man that she is trying to save at the moment. He still needed an ambulance.

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