Up there

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A man stood on the ledge of the roof, staring at the starry night sky, contemplating if he should move forward or leave his old life behind. To end it all, or to hold on.

The wind caressing his dark, messy hair.

He was in raggedy torn clothes, he lost his job, his friends, and his family turned their backs on him, and to top it off, the woman that hw was going to marry cheated on him with the man who robbed him.

He climbed on a five story building on the business where he dedicated 12 years of his life. There were unwanted spectators who had spotted him, and to his misfortune, they won't leave for him to grieve in private.

"How long has it been?" A teenager asked.
"More than three hours." A young woman replied as she was the silhouette of the man.
"Did he move? Or he's just standing up there?" Another spectator asked as he laid eyes on the man that was up there.
"He moved a little, but barely." The woman replied.
"I'm gonna call the police." Another woman shouted, a loud contralto.
"Why? He's not doing anything." The young woman said as she kept her eyes on him.
"That's why! What is he doing up there? It's been a long time, don't tell me it's not suspicious." The teenager pointed as she saw the silhouetted man in rags move a step forward.
"I wouldn't call the cops unless something changes." The young woman adviced.
"But what if he jumps?" The woman shouted, expressing her distress.
"I don't think so. He had plenty of time to do it." The young woman said, looking at the lonely man high above as he kept looking at the stars.

The man reminisced about his teenage years when he looked at the sky, dreaming that he could one day reach high up to the stars. But it was all what it was. Dreams. This was the real world, he had been hoping that God would answer him, if he was listening to his plight for the last three years.

Tears fell from his face.

"I'm sorry but I..." The teenager was interrupted when the woman hushed him.
"Wait." She interjected.
"What?" The woman with a deep voice asked her.
"He's looking at us." The young woman pointed at the raggedy homeless man.

The homeless man was crying and his sadness shifted to anger. He shouted though his voice could not be heard by the spectators.

"You are all a brood of vipers! You are no different from the ones who betrayed me! One day, you will all crawl on your own belly and grovel for mercy when none shall be found! You chose evil over good and traded sweet for bitter. The beginning of birth pains is fast approaching! This wicked world will be swallowed in a lake of fire and your corpses will be consumed by the maggots!" The man jumped from the building and when he fell to the ground, his body could not be found. Only his torn clothes fell on the pavement.

The spectators gasped.

"Where did he go?" The woman asked before a loud trumpet was heard in the sky.
"Up there!" Another spectator shouted.

They saw a light that went past them like lightning. A woman that was carring her 3 year old was taken in a blink of an eye. The mother wailed unconsolably.

"What's happening?" The woman with a contralto voice asked.
"Judgement... is coming." A bearded man responded.

The spectators scattered like lost cattle. The news could not explain the phenomena that swept the whole globe. An anchorwoman asked her colleague, the reporter, about the incident but before he could do so, the news station caught the footage of the news reporter disappearing in front of their own eyes for millions to see.

Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.

Matthew 24:42 [New King James  Version]

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