No shadow (2)

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I was just an ordinary man, no powers whatsoever, I used to be a farmer plowing the field, and planting crops for the harvest.

Without knowing that I would be the one being harvested.

I was cleaning out the shed, like I did every Saturday morning. I cleared out the clutter to pick out the farm tools and clean them. One by one I placed every farming tool where they belonged.

When I grabbed the sickle, I checked the blade to see if had rast spots, dents or any other imperfection that could eventually affect my progress in cutting away the weeds that could tarnish my soil.

I was too focused in sharpening the sickle when my own shadow stretched across the shed and used the shadow of the sickle to slice my heels.

I fell, as the sickle spun in the air and cut me off like a weed.

When I woke up. I didn't feel the pain of getting sliced.

That was the price of being chosen by Death. He took my life and used my own shadow against me.

He took me for the gleaning.

I didn't find out about it until my fiancée turned on the lamp. She felt my presence, but couldn't see me. When I looked at the wall, I couldn't see my own shadow.

She found my body, but couldn't find my soul.

Death used my body as a vessel for his plan to kill the people of the villa in one strike. He knew that I was going to marry the daughter of the wealthiest connoisseur. Mr. Fortunato.

The man that was going to be my father-in-law had a debt to pay, and I was paying the price for his pact.

Right now, I'm just a shadow of the man that I once was.

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