Nick birthday

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Tonight there's a party for Nick's birthday and the house is full of people. Suddenly, while he's taking a phone call, the sound of broken glasses breaks into the house.
He goes looking for the reason and finds his own son with a stick in front of a broken window but in spite of the overwhelming evidence, the kid insists. 

"Mickey!" Nick fumed.
"It wasn't me!" The kid insisted.

How was he going to explain this?
"YOU'RE GROUNDED YOUNG MAN!" Nick yelled. The 8-year-old ran away to his room, crying.

Nick knew that Mickey wanted to take a turn to break the piñata, but this was just ridiculous. Mickey cried on the pillow, "I didn't do it." The boy sobbed.

Two of the guests spoke in hushed tones.
"Sad." One of Nick's friends commented.
"I know, is strange that a child had the strength to break the glass windows at once." Tim implied.
"What are you getting at?" Greg asked with a confused facial expression.
"That something doesn't add up." Tim implied.
"For crying out loud! Everyone saw the kid break the glass window." Greg stated.
"At the exact same time as the other glass windows? I don't think so."
"So whaddaya think it was since you think you're so smart, Sherlock?" Greg retorted.
"My watch picked up a high frequency after the glass windows broke. It was too high-pitched that it was inaudible." Tim commented.

Mickey's parents continued the party as if nothing happened. Nick's wife brought out the birthday cake along with the lit candles.

Nick's friends and his wife sang the birthday song. "Happy birthday to you..." A silhouette headed upstairs while Tim caught sight of it in the corner of his eye. "Happy birthday to you..." Tim followed while the people sang. "Happy birthday, Nick." Nick thought he heard a voice warn him when his name was mentioned. "Happy birthday to..."

"You." Tim sneered as he saw a man wearing all black like a ninja.

"Are too late." The man in black added before Nick blew the candles and the power went out. When Tim turned on his smartphone to see, he entered into Mickey's room and found out that he was gone.

"They took your son." A voice whispered into Nick's ear. The people activated the flashlight from their smartphones. The first thing the saw was that Nick panicked as he ran to Mickey's room.

His son went missing.

Tim was nowhere in sight or so they thought when they saw him come out of the kitchen.

"Your son has been kidnapped." Tim warned, by the time the light came back on, he was wearing a different attire and his face was stubbly and his red hair was slightly longer.

"I don't have much time, Nick. I came to warn you three days earlier, today that your son has been abducted by the Paedocubvourus for experimentation, that monster is taking children all over the world to devour them and to end this generation. I found their base, is hidden in-" but Tim vanished before he had the chance to give out the location.


Tim had gotten out of Mickey's bedroom window to chase after the shrouded kidnapper that took Nick's son, but couldn't find them.

The kidnapper brought the boy to the black car, his accomplice opened the trunk of the car and made room for the boy, as the put him in a fetal position. The kidnapper shut the door of the trunk.


Jessica, Nick's wife, and Mickey helped prepare the birthday decorations; streamers, ballons, the birthday banner, the candles, the snacks and beverages, but most importantly, the piñata!

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