Chapter 4 - Starting point

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Dawn was not far away when I heard horses approaching. I got my rifle ready, but it was not necessary. I breathed a discreet sigh of relief. Arthur kept his word and was accompanied by the man I saw at the bar.

"We are going to inspect a place for the new camp, Dewberry Creek, in the South. You know it?

- I think... I think that marks the border with the Southern States. With Hell said my father. I didn't think you'd want to go there." I answered, unconsciously glancing at the man named Charles.

His presence would probably not be well received there. My father had often told me about the horrors done to men of color in these regions. Of course, the war he had fought for had ended for over 30 years. But are 30 years enough to erase decades of abuse?

"We don't really have a choice...

-Ok, let's go then. I reckon that going through this road we won't have much company."

After this, I didn't say anything for a while, listening to them talk about the gang, the Pinkerton. I was trying to link all this information, to get an idea of the situation I put myself in. Arthur ended up remembering my presence, bringing me out of my silence.

"Nice horse you got there Miss Grey!

- Call me Anna. She's a gift from my father. When he realized that, by raising me like a boy, he would never have to marry me, he thought a part of my dowry could be converted into a good horse. He made a good deal, she is so impossible that his breeder never thought it could sell her. He was about to send her to a glue factory! But I always knew how to deal with horses.

- Hang on a second, I think that must be it up ahead" announced Charles. "Seems very open...

- Yeah it does. Ain't sure it'd be the best in the rain, neither. Let's take a look around.

- Hey, I see something over there."

A man was laying in the cove. Vultures were already fighting over his corpse. I stayed on my horse while my new companions inspected the scene.

"He's been shot. Looks like trouble got here before us.

- There's a camp just ahead...

- Sure. Let's get ready for business. Miss... Anna, stay down the path and watch out."

I did so while they searched the tents. They soon discovered a woman and her children. Germans. The father had been kidnapped and Charles wanted to help them. Arthur was not pleased with this decision but bowed to the will of his friend. So we went in search of the man. I listened to them bickering, but I was mostly absorbed by Charles' ability to spot the kidnappers' tracks. My father had taught me how to track animals, but I would never have been able to follow this one.

They started talking about a certain Jack, and I quickly understood that he was a child. I didn't know that outlaws were traveling with kids. I was wondering if there were others. They brought up John, the man with the scar I met a few days earlier. Was he Jack's father?

"There's another camp up ahead...

- Be careful. Anna, you go back to the shore and wait for us there.

- But!

-No talking, it can be dangerous."

I grumbled like a child who was refused a treat. Very quickly I heard gunshots. I got off my horse, took my rifle and approached as quickly and discreetly as I could. By the time I got there, they had already untied the poor man and Charles was leaving without a word.

Outlaws - An American Youth - [Charles Smith x OC]Where stories live. Discover now