Chapter 22 - Fleeting Joy

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An electric shock went through my body.

I collapsed on the floor, a weight on me.

Gathering my thoughts, I slowly understood what had just happened. It hadn't been five minutes since Bill found us and the Pinkerton was already there. They made a short speech before launching the assault. As I was about to take my rifle, Charles grabbed me for cover. Too late, a bullet had already passed through my arm.

Now lying on the wet planks of the cabin, jaw clenched, I pressed my right hand on my affected arm, trying to contain the blood. The pain was twisting my body. Sadie and Arthur passed me, crawling to the back of the building. He paused for a moment when he saw me hurt:

"Shit, Anna!

- Go on or we're all dead" I hissed between my teeth.

We found this passage with Sadie. Our predecessors had the good idea to create a secret path between the shacks. This would allow them to appear on the side of these Pinkerton dogs and surprise them.

The bullets were going off, everyone was screaming, and I was suffering. My whole body was writhing in pain. I could feel it, the bullet had shredded my flesh in its path. Above me, Charles was protecting me with his body. Weapon in hand, his eyes were watching the back of the building before coming back at me. We heard aftershocks, and soon Bill and Javier went out to support Arthur and Sadie. I was shaking uncontrollably and finding it harder and harder to cope with the pain. Charles spoke to me through the deafening sound of gunshots.

"Breathe just breathe ok... no, no, don't close your eyes.

- I'm tired.

- I know but you must keep your eyes opened. Talk to me.

- God that hurts.

- I know, hang on. It's almost over.

- If I die you better not bury me in these swamps.

- Stop it, you're not dying."

Outside, the shots had stopped. Dutch went out and thanked the others. It seemed I was the only victim of this assault. The danger gone, Charles got up to call Miss Grimshaw. Understanding the situation, she began to shout orders to those who were unfortunate enough to be present. A table was brought and summarily wiped. Charles lifted me up without difficulty to settle me there on the flank.

While Miss Grimshaw was preparing the instruments, Charles brought me a bottle of alcohol, making me drink a few sips before pouring some on my wound.

"It's going to hurt.

- Better hurt than dead."

Susan was finally ready. She asked everyone to go out, except for Abigail who would help her.

"You too, Charles, I'm going to take off her shirt.

- He can stay. We need someone to prevent me from moving."

She shrugged, indifferent, before cutting into the fabric to expose my wound. Charles was looking away, embarrassed, as if he had never seen me without this underdress that hid my nudity. I teased him.

"Well, are you blushing Charles?

- Bite in there rather than saying nonsense" he mumbled, slipping a piece of wood between my teeth.

He put his hands on my shoulder and my hip to keep me still. Susan then started. A cry of pain escaped me, muffled by the stick. Instinctively, my free hand went to squeeze the arm that held my hip. Charles said nothing when my nails dug into his flesh. I wanted to fight him, to run away, to prevent these instruments from digging through me. But his grip was too strong, and I just had to wait for it to pass. I had done well to ask him to stay. Abigail would never have had the strength to tackle me at the table.

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