Chapter 21 - A simple service for a friend

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"Are you sure it's safe?

- It's pouring and after what we've seen, I need a drink."

Charles who insisted on going to a city as I was reluctant, the world upside down. We had just returned from scouting in the Roanoke Ridge area, where we had the displeasure of coming across the abuses of these savages of Murfree Brood. We saw the horrors committed on their victims, but luckily, we did not meet them.

This is how we entered Annesburg at nightfall. It was a mining town like so many others, with its chimneys spewing the black smoke of coal, its squalid shacks and its exhausted bodies, more ghosts than humans. We tied our horses to what looked like a German brewery.

The owner denoted with the industrial atmosphere of this place. Doing manners, he looked like he thought he was in a big city. After drinking a beer, we decided to stay for the night, as the rain did not seem to decrease.

"Sir, your room is at the end of this hallway. Ma'am, your room is upstairs."

We could not have been further away. Was he trying to make sure that good moral standards were maintained in his establishment, which was nevertheless full of prostitutes and thirsty miners? He also offered us a bath, but I could hardly imagine myself undressing in a room where only a thin wooden door separated me from strangers. For me, nothing was worth a good river.

Since we had nothing else to do, we ordered a large bottle of whiskey and two glasses, before going upstairs, where we were less exposed to curious glances. In one corner of the room, we enjoyed our beverage and relaxed. It seemed it had been an eternity since the last time I had been able to appreciate a normal situation.

The drinks added-up as we discussed everything and nothing. It was interesting to see what effect alcohol could have on a man as taciturn as Charles. Although at the time we already had more in-depth conversations than he had with most of the band members, I felt him more relaxed, lighter. But suddenly, I saw his face become serious.

"There are two men there, I think I've seen them before. If they recognize me, we're going to be in trouble."

I watched the newcomers. At the moment, they were talking to girls on the stairs, but it would not be difficult for them to spot us if they turned their heads.

"Kiss me.

- What ?!"

Not leaving him time to protest, I pulled on his shirt to attract him. At first surprised, he finally understands where I was coming from, gently pushing me against the dimly lit corner of the room. Alcohol helping, for a brief moment we forgot why we were kissing.

I finally came to my senses and pulled away, looking for the unwelcome men. They were still bantering with the girls, but now they turned their back on us.

"They're looking elsewhere. This is our chance. Come on, my room is this way."

After closing the door behind us, I could not suppress a laugh, no doubt encouraged by alcohol.

"Well, that's what I call a successful evening. All we have to do is hide. They're probably going to get laid fast and leave."

Charles remained silent. The taciturn man was back, as if the shock had removed all alcohol from his veins. I took a sip of whiskey to give me countenance, but I couldn't find anything to say to fill the void between us. He turned his back on me to observe the main street's activity through the window.

I sat on the bed, lighting a cigarette with a sigh. Too bad, it was a promising night. I don't know how long it took. There was still liquid left in the bottle, but I didn't want any more of it.

Outlaws - An American Youth - [Charles Smith x OC]Where stories live. Discover now