Chapter 51 - The dispute

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A little music for this chapter, I put the symbol on as usual. Ancora Qui, from Django Unchained.

I woke up after a short night's sleep. I ended up leaving the porch to lie down in the bedroom, unable to truly sleep. I smiled when I saw Sadie still dozing off. She looked so vulnerable right now. So human.

I left the house quietly, everyone was still asleep. The cool air brushed my face. The sky was clear, the sun's rays would soon appear to color the horizon with shades of pink and orange. A new day dawned, full of promise.

As I enjoyed those first moments of the day, I saw Charles bustling around with the horses. I gave him a small wave when he looked in my direction. Without answering, he put down his pitchfork and walked back towards the house. I smiled and walked over to him, but he still looked sullen. I went to speak but he passed me before I could open my mouth. I turned, calling him out softly. He stopped dead, still turning his back on me.

"Why didn't you go back to town with him?"

He didn't let me answer, turning around to lay his accusing eyes on me.

"Tell me, will he let you be a doctor once you've become the perfect wife?

- What I?

- I didn't do all of this for him to prevent you from being a doctor. You can't let your hard work become his foil."

I shivered. He too had noticed Marc's manners. I changed the conversation.

"Why are we talking about him Charles?

- You're going to marry him, don't you? And frankly, it's been four years that we talk about him. I don't believe there is a letter without him.

- As for Flora. It means nothing.

- Stop pretending, Anna. Have you at least once told about me, about us, to your friends?"

At his acerbic tone, I felt my anger rising. How could he blame me like that. I got angry.

"Oh, that's right, what part should I have told them? We burning an old southern plantation? Attacking an oil field? Robbing banks? I'm sure everyone would love these stories, us killing people because they were against the philosophy of our group, perfect in social dinners.

- Why did you came to Blackwater then, if we, if I embarrass you? You could very well have continued your life in Chicago and never looked back.

- You know very well why Charles. If for once you stopped making decisions for me.

- I make the decisions because one of us has to be realistic.

- And what does that mean exactly?

- What are you expecting Anna?! How could I even imagine competing with your Marc? He will give you a good, stable life. The opera, the dinners, the beautiful clothes. A social position. And me? I can't even marry you. Open your eyes Anna. You're just hurting everyone in this story, you the first."

I was in shock. He had never spoken to me so openly, so harshly. At least now I knew his plans for the future. I swallowed hard, finding nothing to answer. He was right. No one was happy in this situation. He turned away, heading for the house. It was a failure for the calm conversation Sadie prescribed.

I had no time to follow him, a cloud of dust at the entrance of the ranch catching my attention. In a cart was Franck, the Sheriff's deputy. He was coming to get me, Mrs. Weber was at her worst and wanted me. I went in to get my satchel, glancing worriedly at Charles who was poking the fire. I didn't want to go and leave things unresolved between us once again, but I had no choice. He made me doctor, I had now to respect my oath.

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