Chapter 65 - Remember my family

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"Stay with me.

- I can't, my patients need me.

- There are always patients... They can wait a little ..

- It's your fault, if you hadn't sent me to Chicago, you would have had a wife eight years younger with nothing else to do but stay in bed with you.

- I know, I'm a fool..."

Charles sank down on the mattress with a sigh. I laughed softly before coming to press my lips against his.

"I guess my patients can wait a little longer."


I smiled at the memory, dressing up as the sun rose. In a corner of the room, the baby was chirping. I took him in my arms, babbling insane words to make him do some little joy sounds. Since his birth, Charles's absence was a little easier to bear. I was still in pain, but it seemed I was getting a taste for life again. I had my children and my memories to warm my heart.

Soon the baby was laughing out loud at my grimaces. According to his father's wish, I had named him Charles Arthur John Smith. It may have been a bad omen to give him the names of men who had left too soon, too violently. But these men were the best I have ever known. Strong and worthy men, despite their life path.

However, we rarely called him Charles. It was too hard for me to pronounce his father's name. I preferred to call him Archie, a nickname found by Alice, so proud of her role as a big sister. The happy sounds of her brother had attracted her. She came into my room to join me and offer her best faces to the baby. Soon children's laughter filled the house.

Sadie had recently left, wanting to reach South America before the bad days returned. A man was waiting for her there. It was a rather wealthy ranch owner who wanted to hire her to defend his land. And maybe a little more, she told me in a mysterious tone.

I was sad to see her go, but I knew it was for the best. She had the right to get back to her life. I was doing better. I still missed Charles of course, but I had learned to live without him. I had found a new balance in this funny life of mine.

I was not alone to take care of the ranch. Mr. Miller and his son Joe came to work my land. The father always seemed a little surprised when he saw my children, as if he perpetually forgot that they were dark skinned. It made me smile. He was a nice man, honest and hardworking. He was just from another time.

When he lost his father, I welcomed Joe among us. He was still young. I didn't want to see him get lost, I knew all too well what happened to landless orphans in this country. I had seen them succumb one by one to Dutch's fine speeches.

I looked after him as if he was mine. When he married years later, when my own children were already gone, I let him build a house on our property to move in with his wife, the village teacher. Today, their children call me Grandma. You can never be surrounded by too many people, you can never have too much love in this life, believe me.


"She was never the same after daddy died. An illness confined her to bed for many weeks and she never recovered. I think it was her broken heart that killed her."

In 1914, I received a call. Jack Marston informed me of Abigail's death, as well as that of Agent Ross. It was over. He had avenged everyone. Arthur, his parents, Charles. My heart sank at this news. I was so sorry he did it. Revenge never brings anything good. Arthur said it multiple times, and he was right. After all, it was Micah's death that put them back on our trail.

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