Chapter 39 - Goodbyes

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"Miss Grey, it took me a while to find you."

A shiver ran through my spine. It had been five years since I had heard that voice. I turned slowly, knowing full well that in front of me would be standing Agent Ross of Pinkerton.

So, they were always looking for us. Despite Cornwall's death. Despite the group's dissolution. Despite the years gone by.

A smirk crept under his mustache. He seemed delighted with his surprise. A feeling of revulsion made my body tremble. I would have given anything so that he was not there.

"Don't be afraid Miss Grey, I'm not here for you. I'm not after Dutch women, I know you weren't doing anything other than everyday menial chores and comforting these men."

I remained stoic. If he was saying that, it was because he was unaware of my involvement in the assault on the Braithwaite's mansion, as well as the assault on the army. He was trying to get me out of my hinges by implying that I was a woman of little virtue. But it was not knowing me. I had heard it for years. I needed a lot more.

"No, we don't care about you. We are making a clean sweep of the past. Your little stunt in Valentine is nothing, it happens every day across the country. If we hung all the culprits, there would be no one left to live in the West. But the Dutch gang is different. Some of your former companions are still at large. Dutch Van Der Linde. Micah Bell. Javier Escuela. Bill Williamson. John Marston. And Charles Smith."

I tried to remain unmoved, especially when I heard Charles's name. I was not to show anything, or he would find out that I am still in contact with him. Maybe he already knew it, and was there only in a twisted logic, to scare me and push me to make mistakes.

"I'm sorry detective, it's been a long time since I erased those cursed names from my memory. I ran away as soon as I could. They had used their influence to impress the young girl I was and took me with them.

- You were just an innocent victim, is that what you mean?

- I would have liked to help you, really. But as you can see, my life is different now.

- Listen Miss. I am ready to believe you. But if I find out you've been hiding something from us, then /

- Can I help you gentlemen?"

I sighed in relief. Marc had just arrived and stood by my side to defend me against these strangers. I grabbed his arm before addressing the officers.

"Detective, this is Dr. Lewis, my fiancé. If you have no further questions for me, we will take our leave, we are expected.

- Well, here's my card, if your memory came back to you." Ross groaned, giving the young man beside me a dismissive look. I watched them walk away, holding my breath. It wasn't until they were out of my line of sight that I caught my breath, letting go of Marc's arm to hang on to the railing of the stairs.

"Everything is fine? Did they hurt you?

- No, don't worry. Sorry I said that, but that's the only thing I've found to keep them away. Men are always less inclined to make a fuss when another man is around. Especially if he's a gentleman.

- Don't worry, everything is fine. But what did they want?"

I did not respond immediately. I didn't want to tell him about my old life. We were close, but that was not enough. He knew nothing about life, judging it only through the prism of his social position. Faced with my silence, he changed the subject.

"I don't mind you calling me your fiancé, quite the contrary. You know, I've been thinking and /

- My sister." I interrupted him before he went any further. I didn't want to talk about it, let alone now that I knew Charles was in danger. I turned the conversation away.

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