Chapter 24 - Getaway to known lands

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The wind was playing in the branches and caressing my face. A book on my lap, eyes closed, I was enjoying a rare moment of tranquility. The breeze shaking the leaves played soft music to me. I knew it, I wanted to end my days in a place like this, surrounded by trees and flowers.

I had regained strength in the last few days, and I quite liked this camp. Given I stayed away from the group, which was experiencing more tensions than ever before. The hard blows of the previous weeks had undermined the band, conflicts erupted for nothing.

That morning, my moment of serenity was broken by Arthur and Javier. The latter accused his elder of breaking Dutch's heart by acting like he did, saving John without his consent. Their discussion led nowhere, adding only even more distance between the two companions. They parted angry, Arthur joining me.

"I got a letter from Penelope Braithwaite. Miss Calhoon was killed.

- Poor woman, she was just fighting for her convictions.

- I'm going back South, to help them escape from their degenerate families.

- That's the best thing to do. Can I go with you?

- No, it's a long journey, it's too much for you. You need to go slow, start with a simple hunt. "

I didn't insist any more, knowing that he was right. I didn't really want to go back to those cursed lands anyway. Only the prospect of riding a horse encouraged me to ask him. I told Arthur to pass on my friendship to the couple and watched him leave.

Hunting. That was a good idea. This would allow me to resume smoothly to a "normal life" while moving away from those tents where I spent my days. I got up, looking for my favorite hunting partner. I went all over the camp but couldn't find him. No one could tell me where he had gone, but everyone was telling me he would be back in no time. I sat by the campfire, waiting impatiently as a child on Christmas Day.


It was only after dark that Charles reappeared. Sitting down for dinner with Mary-Beth and Tilly, I saw his figure in the distance. On his shoulder, a doe. He had already gone hunting. I made a disappointed face when he sat down with us.

"I wanted to go hunting with you, I missed my chance.

- We'll have to wait a few days now. But are you sure you can ride a horse?

- Please, one more day reading silly books and I'll throw myself off the cliff.

- Before you jump, I thought I'd leave for the reservation at dawn, will you come with me?"

I accepted with enthusiasm. I was finally going to leave the camp and get away from all these conflicts. I hurried to finish my bowl of stew before going to bed, under the amused eye of my friend. I had to be in shape when he would wake me up a few hours later. But of course, I was too excited to fall asleep and stayed awake most of the night.


I growled when Charles pulled me out of my sleep. I was no longer used to getting up early. With my mind fogged, I prepared my things before joining him by the horses. Although my arm was almost healed, I needed his help to get in the saddle. I prayed that we would not make bad encounters, I was not sure I'd be able to fight.

Silently, we set out on our way. Most of our companions were still asleep, the others enjoying the last quiet moments of the day. To my relief, I could stand being on the back of my horse. Everything seemed like it was back to the way it was. This feeling of familiarity was reinforced when we arrived on paths that we had travelled during our scouting a few weeks before.

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