Chapter 43- Reunion

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"As I live and breathe, John Marston is building a house!

- Anna ?!" John exclaimed. "What are you doing here?!

- I wanted to stretch my legs!" I laughed as he hugged me. "I should be the one asking you the question."

I pointed to the structure with my head. He was about to answer me when we heard a thud behind us. I turned around. Charles stood there, stunned. Surprised, he had dropped his toolbox.

"Hey Charles" I said in the most natural way in the world.

He stammered a few words of incomprehension, but I walked over quickly and soon I hugged him. He tightened his grip on me, his hand on my neck. I could barely breathe but I didn't care. I felt all his incomprehension, and my smile widened against his chest. After several long seconds, I moved myself away from him, keeping my arm around his.

"What... What are you doing here?

- I wanted to see it with my own eyes! So, you weren't lying, John Marston has a ranch and is building a house!

- You doubted me?

- Admit it was hard to believe.

- I think we can take a break" John announced, inviting us to the campfire for a drink. As we walked, Uncle complained.

"And me, nobody hugs me!

- I didn't want to make your lumbago worse Uncle!" I teased him.

"Finally someone who understands me. Anna, you can't imagine what that pig of Marston is doing to me. I kill myself with the task for him and I get no thanks. She'll never come back with that mentality John, right Anna?

- You're building her a house. If I left Chicago to come see this with my own eyes, how could she not do the same?

- Do you really think so?" John looked genuinely worried. I answered him in a reassuring voice.

"I'm sure."

John handed me a beer as I surveyed the surroundings. It was a more deserted place than my native New Hanover, but there seemed to be some beautiful prairie, as well as a forest further east. John snapped me out of my thoughts.

"How long are you staying?

- Um, that will depend on the brave patients of Blackwater, whether they accept a woman doctor or not.

- You moving here?!

- And your job in Chicago?" said Charles with a serious voice.

"A few weeks ago, all the interns have been assembled. The cities of the west are short of doctors, they send their requests by the hundreds to the university. We were asked to take a look, some cities are willing to pay a lot. I watched, out of curiosity. Several announcements caught my attention, so this city which described itself as a small peaceful town on the lake, with all the shops and beautiful landscapes. I remembered the girls talking about it as a nice city. Before the ferry drama, of course. I received your letter right after. I took it for a sign and called the mayor. And here I am.

- But I thought it was a good job you had there. And your friends?" Charles asked me, looking stern.

"I've seen Doctor Daring, he'll give me a job back as soon as I ask. As for my friends... I'm happy to have found them.

- To your success then." John raised his glass in my honor, ignoring Charles's annoyed face, and we toasted. Silence fell, each one going back to their own thoughts. Suddenly I laughed.

"Look at us. What a bunch of outlaws. I'm a doctor, and you're building a ranch for a woman's sake."

I laughed even more, followed by my companions. Even Charles seemed to relax. His questions had left a bitter aftertaste. Wasn't he happy to see me after all these years? His embrace made me believe it, but his words made me doubt.

Outlaws - An American Youth - [Charles Smith x OC]Where stories live. Discover now