Chapter 53 - farewells

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"He'll be a good father."

I blushed stupidly at Sadie's remark. We were both leaning on the porch railing, watching Charles teach Jack how to track animals the better to hunt them. I looked away to hide my embarrassment. To be honest, I never thought about it. Charles would surely want children of his own, to whom he could pass these things on.

I had never considered becoming a mother. Like I had never considered becoming a wife, or a doctor. These things had been forbidden to me from childhood. Raised like a boy, who could have wanted me? And yet, now these doors were opened to me. I didn't even know if I wanted to be a mother, it was such a big responsibility. Just the idea of it made me dizzy.

My thoughts were interrupted by Abigail announcing the meal. We all sat around the table in a happy hubbub. I was still a little confused by what Sadie said. Charles saw it, watching me intently but remaining silent. He waited until we were alone to ask me if I was okay. Taking my courage, I asked him.

"Do you want children?

- I... I guess so. Don't you?

- I... I never thought about it. You know how I was brought up. I didn't think that one day I would find a man crazy enough to want to stay by my side."

He chuckled softly before hugging me.

"I am delighted to be this madman. Don't worry, we are in no rush. We have our whole life ahead of us.

- I'm not 20 anymore you know!"

He laughed again, kissing my forehead. Our conversation ended there. He was right, we had to give time to time. What had to happen would happen in due course. In the meantime, I just had to enjoy the moment.


Marc had left town without a goodbye. I couldn't blame him, I too in his place would have disappeared without a trace. I was left with a heavier workload as the population of Blackwater did not decrease. I met the mayor a few days after my colleague left.

"This is unfortunate Doctor Grey. I guess life in the West isn't for everyone. Fortunately, I can count on you.

- Hm... That's why I wanted to see you.

- Oh no, you are not going too?! I thought you were enjoying working here?!

- I do. But you see, I'm getting married, and my fiancé lives in Canada.

- A fiancé?! In Canada?! How is it possible?

- It's a man I once knew. He wanted to become a good man, settle there and be successful before he took a wife. It's done now, and he asks me to join him.

- I can't believe it. Congratulations, I guess. But for us, it's back to square one.

- I've already written to Doctor Daring. In my letter, I praised the city and its patients. I explained to him that I had to leave for personal reasons, and that he absolutely had to find me a replacement. I'm hopeful, so don't give up.

- You are very kind, Doctor Grey. Are you sure you must go? I'm sure we could find a place here for your fiancé. Canada is cold, wouldn't he like to taste the sweetness of more southerly regions?"

I laughed softly. If he knew! I assured him that it was impossible. He sighed, putting his hat back on before leaving my office, shoulders hunched. I felt sorry for the man, especially since I really enjoyed myself in this city. But I had no choice. To be together, we had to go.


When I was finally able to return to the ranch, Charles was cleaning up the manure that had accumulated in the coral. He greeted me with a big smile as I leaned against the fence to watch him work.

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