Chapter 54 - Our new life

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"My love,

I'm counting the days until you arrive. I fear the thought of you traveling alone, although I know your ability to defend yourself. I would have liked to be by your side on this long journey. But now I am sure it was the right decision. I found us a house. It's in terrible shape, but I'm working hard to fix it up. Joseph helped me order all the supplies I needed, and he found an idle young man to help me.

The city is pretty, it reminds me a bit of Strawberry, with its river and wooden houses. Joseph and his wife Liz introduced me to the citizens. They are incredibly well integrated. Oh sure, some folks never talk to them, but they never felt any hostility towards them.

I am hopeful that I will be accepted too. Last week, a heavy thunderstorm hit, seriously damaging buildings on the main street. I volunteered to help clear and rebuild. At this rate, I will be a construction expert! Maybe I should make it my job...

No, I don't think I would like it. I'd rather build an island of greenery in our house. A vegetable garden, a few animals, and a simple life by your side. That's all I want.

I know you'll be sad to leave our friends, but please dry your tears quickly. I'm working hard to build you the life you deserve, here, in Canada.

Be strong.

Yours, always,



It's exhausted but happy that I arrived at my final destination. It had taken a stagecoach, two trains, and two more stagecoaches to reach this remote area where Charles wanted us to settle. A whole week of traveling, interrupted by long moments of boredom in soulless hotels, waiting for the arrival of the next transport that would bring me closer to my lover.

It didn't take me long to see him among the people waiting for the stagecoach's arrival, his imposing stature couldn't go unnoticed. I walked over him, a quiet smile on my lips. Despite the urge that tugged us, we refrained from hugging each other. We had to remain discreet. We were embarrassed, not knowing how to behave in this unprecedented situation. We had always been surrounded by our friends, or within the gang. We were now on our own, having to make our own way, our own rules.

An electric shock ran through me when his fingers brushed mine as he grabbed my suitcase. Without a word, I followed him through town, observing the log buildings. I was entitled to the same curious looks as all the other visitors who got lost in these regions. But very quickly, the onlookers returned to their daily tasks, totally forgetting about me.

Charles stopped in front of a small cafe, letting me go in first. The owner came to meet us, a warm smile on her lips. Elizabeth, Liz as she asked me to call her, was Joseph's wife. Barely introduced, she took me by the hand to make me sit down. Half-listening to her, I watched Charles disappearing upstairs, my luggage in hand.

"He's full of praise for you, you know?

- Really?

- Yes. He can't help but talking about you. And he puts so much attention into the house repairs, I think I'm going to be jealous." She said laughing.

I smile at her remark, touched by her words. Charles wasn't the expansive type, so knowing that he talked about me warmed my heart. He came back downstairs, settling in front of me. Liz walked away, disappearing into her kitchen. We were alone in the cafe, immersed in silence in the gaze of the other. Without taking my eyes off him, I put my hand on the table. After a short hesitation, he did the same.

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