Chapter 27 - My last Son

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"What's wrong with you all, huh? Come on! Come on, what's wrong?

-What do you mean what's wrong?

-Where's your trust? Where-Where is your faith?

-I got a son Mr. Escuella, I want him to live!

-It's by standing together that we live. Come on!"

Javier had spent his morning questioning us in this way. It broke my heart to see him behave like this. I liked him very much, but his blind loyalty was going to lead him to his loss. Dutch was crazy. He had completely lost control and dragged everyone who followed him into chaos.

"God damn the lot of you!"

I approached Abigail. She was afraid. She wanted to leave but she knew that John remained loyal to the clan anyway, even if Dutch had let him rot in prison, at the risk of seeing him hanged. Her voice broke, tears began to rise. I hugged her and told her that everything was going to be fine. Arthur... Arthur and John would find a solution to get us all out of there.


Later, I was quietly reading a few yards from Charles who was repairing one of the carts. This was the moment Javier choose to return to the charge.

"What's your problem, brother?

-No problem.

-No, you've got a problem, look how you're acting.

-I don't have a problem. Do you have a problem?

-I don't know yet!"

I didn't like the turn this discussion was taking. I was afraid they would come to fists, or worse, to guns. Hearing this heated exchange, Arthur got closer. Javier resumed.

"Use your brain, brother, use you brain.

-I'll use my brain and you use yours.

-Oh, you wanna die?

-Not particularly.

-You're making a dumb choice, man.

-I made no choice."

At these words, Javier walked away, spitting at Charles' feet. This action gave me goosebumps. This story was going to end badly. Arthur moved closer.

"Seems he's picked his side.

- Are there sides now?

- Seems that way."

Charles looked angry. Did he really not see that the camp split in two, between Dutch and Arthur, and that soon we too, would have to choose our camp? My loyalty went to the second, of course. Now that Hosea was gone, I had no reason to trust our leader, who would have sold me without batting an eyelid to Cornwall, or someone is kind, if it could have earned him five dollars.

But what consequences would this choice have? Could we separate smoothly? What life for Tilly, Abigail? What about Charles? He was a faithful friend of Arthur, but was it enough to follow him and accelerate the breakup of the band? All the scenarios mixed in my head without my being able to tidy them up.

The two men continued to chat, especially about the two "friends" of Micah, Cleet and Joe. Annoyed by their presence, Arthur decided to confront Dutch, quickly heading towards our leader's tent. His harsh voice and Micah's responses soon drew the whole group around him. The decisive confrontation was about to occur when shouts at the entrance to the camp stopped everything.

"Mr. Van der Linde! Mr. Morgan! Charles! They tried to kill my people for oil. For oil! Today we ride once more. Ride with me, ride with us. Ride with us against the factory."

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