Chapter 44 - Life in Blackwater

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"Strange time.

- Why do you say that Mr. Pratt?

- Well, first there is you, Doctor, I never thought I saw that. But no, I'm talking about this blonde in the saloon, before I came. Armed to the teeth, she spoke like a man with her southern accent or whatever. I guess that's the progress they've been talking about in the papers. Oh, that doesn't really bother me, but it shouldn't give my wife ideas. How would I do, eh, if she wasn't there to run the house and take care of the kids. No, really, no offense Doctor, a woman's place is at home with her family.

- Don't worry Mr. Pratt, I'm not married."

I finished the auscultation quickly. His description of the woman in the saloon caught my attention. It might have been a coincidence, but I had to get to the bottom of it. After cashing in my patient, I closed the door to my practice behind me to cross the street.

The drinking establishment was right in front of my windows, giving me a front row seat to the city's outbursts and arguments. But this time, it was a happy atmosphere that greeted me. I was right, leaning on the counter was Sadie, looking beaming. Beside her, Charles, and John.

"Anna! We were going to come and tell you, look who's there.

- Well, well, wouldn't that be the best doctor in Blackwater?" Said Sadie before hugging me.

Charles ordered a drink for me as I sat at a table with my friends. I observed the young woman. All clad in leather, a wide belt of ammunition on her chest, she couldn't go unnoticed. She stared at me in turn, raising an ironic eyebrow at my outfit.

"You're wearing dresses now?

- It's hard enough to be accepted as a doctor, I'm not going to wear pants in addition, they'd all go crazy!

- Well said. You have a nice brooch there.

- Thank you, it never leaves me."

I glanced discreetly at Charles. It was the one he had "found" many years ago. His face was emotionless as always, but it seemed to me that his gaze shone a little brighter. I gave a faint smile.

"The last time we were all together, it was at the oil field...

- One of the great moments of Dutch." John taunted. We all nodded. After another silence, I resumed.

" I still have nightmares about it. The flames, the screams... Eagle Flies.

- It's a thing of the past now, sweetheart. You are a respectable doctor! You probably shouldn't be hanging out with us anyway!" She said laughing.

It's true that we were a hell of a meeting. A woman doctor, a woman bounty hunter, a man with two names, and another with dark skin. Fortunately, I had long ensured my reputation with my patients by treating many people of all ranks. But no doubt they must have found their new doctor strange. But an eccentric doctor was better than no doctor at all.

The discussion became lighter. I was telling about my life in Chicago and Sadie was telling us about her adventures as a bounty hunter. Every now and then I glanced at Charles, to see his reaction to this or that story. It was the first time we got together. Obviously, it wouldn't be this time around that we would have the opportunity to talk face to face. But I didn't care. Around this table, I rediscovered the lightness of the campfires of yesteryear.


"My very dear Flora,

I apologize for taking so long to write. Here, I am overwhelmed with work. The patients are many and varied, and I see cases that I have never seen in Chicago. Blackwater is a lovely growing town. You would find it ridiculously small compared to Chicago, but I feel good there. There is a lake and many shops. It's not the cultural life of the big city, but there is still a theater and a cinema. I am well accepted here, and I am happy to feel useful.

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