Chapter 18 - Even the mighty must fall

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The camp was very quiet this late afternoon. Dutch had embarked Arthur and the others on a punitive expedition against Angelo Bronte. And as every time our companions left for such missions, the rest of the camp plunged into a special atmosphere, as if we all held our breath, praying that everything would go without a hitch.

I joined Hosea, sitting in the shade of the gazebo. He put down his book, smiling at me. But he didn't fool me, I could tell he was upset. Since I joined the band, we have had a lot of discussions together. He always gave me good advice, and I absolutely trusted him. He was also dotted with incomparable mischievousness for a man his age. This is probably what allowed him to continue living this life despite the years and the setbacks. I asked him about the cause of his mood. 

"It's nothing. Nothing that youshould worry about anyway. I think Dutch shouldn't have led this expedition against Bronte. Revenge is always a waste of time, and dangerous. Remember this all your life. It does you no good, not even appeasement of your heart.

- Why does he do it then?

- He is convinced that Bronte is on our way, and that if he is there, we will not be able to carry out our plan. But the plan is good, we just have to apply it well. Attack the bank, collect the money, and go away. Revenge will bring nothing. But you understand, after all you didn't go with them.

- Arthur banned me before I even asked. But I think it's better that way. I don't need to see another bloodbath.

- You are right.

- What's the plan then?"

He started to explain it to me. He and Abigail would make a diversion, a very big diversion, to attract all the police and give the others time to empty the safes. The bank of a large industrial city like Saint-Denis, how many treasures and banknotes could it hold? Much more than we could imagine. Much more than we could spend.

But we needed money for the trip. We were going to leave for Tahiti, or some other paradise island on the other side of the earth. I had heard of it sometimes, without being able to imagine life there. How could I, I who had only known Valentine and its meadows. But for the first time, thanks to Hosea's descriptions, I was trying to create an image of this near future.

The sea, the real one. Not one of those huge lakes or the murky waters of Saint-Denis. No, a sea of a blue so pure that it feels like paradise. Sand, this very clear soil that does not turn into mud when it rains. Good weather all year round. Exotic fruits, yellow like the sun. Eden found.

Though I was wondering. Wouldn't the band, constantly in search of adventures, be bored on these islands, no matter how heavenly they were? What would we do there to see the days go by?

But in the end, nothing is final in life, and plans are made to be changed.


"You did well to stay. It was a real slaughter."

I handed a beer to Arthur, who seemed concerned since he returned to camp. I questioned him with a look.

"You don't need to worry anymore. Bronte will never be a problem again. The crocodiles took care of him."

I sighed lightly. Of course, wishing the death of a man were wrong. But at least I was sure that I would not be asked to act as a second diversion during the bank robbery, occupying the man who ruled the city.

"Hosea explained the plan to me.

- One last blow. One last blow and we are going away from these swamps and all this civilization."


Everyone was busy this morning, putting on their Sunday clothes like honest citizens. Except those don't rob banks, unlike my companions. I helped Charles who didn't do well with his bow tie. He pulled on the collar of his shirt.

"It's not really comfortable.

- Try wearing a corset and we'll talk about it!

- Not too disappointed not to come with us?

- Not the slightest! The farther I stay from that city the better I am. Maybe I'm going to go hunting in the meantime, we're running out of meat.

- No, wait until I come back, we'll go together. I don't like the idea of you going alone.

- Yes Sir, anything else Sir?" I said, rolling my eyes, causing my friend to laugh lightly. I replied with a smile, motioning him to join his horse and the rest of the gang.

Six weeks. Six weeks and our life would be totally different. But it would in no way stick to the vision described by Hosea.

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